Chapter 9

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The train sped down the rail as I sat in the back car, headphones blaring. The scenery of the city passed by in a thick dense blur. I could feel an ache in my body and the urge to cry rising in my chest. I thought of Nathaniel. I thought of Alex. I thought of Jennifer and Elizavetta and Kedrew. I thought of Dr. Dilly. I thought of my dad.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I glanced at it. A new news article appeared in the notifications under the tag “feral.” Whatever it was, it was important I know. I opened the article and began to read.

Feral Euthanization Methods Under Fire From State

With the recent rise in execution of Feral type citizens, government representatives begin to question the morality of using Antifelin, a highly toxic chemical drug that prevents the healing ability from performing correcting and can lead to death if given in a large enough dose.

Some argue that it is unethical to proceed with anymore procedures under the idea that is it discrimination against ferals.

Those in opposition claim that Antifelin is the only known way to end the life of those who carry the feral gene besides extremely old age.

In a recent survey, 87 percent of citizens across Utopia believe Feral mutants to be extremely dangerous and 93 percent of citizens are supportive of the drug.

The heads of state, however, don't seem to agree.

More on this story as it develops.

I shook my head slowly and looked at the picture at the top of the article. It was an injection device. I felt a memory stirring up in the back of my mind. I tried to repress it; someone touched my shoulder.

“Hey Kyrany. Fancy running into you here.”

I practically jumped out of my skin. Wade Wilson stood behind me, a bag of groceries in his arm. He was dressed pretty normally except for his bright red mask that he had pulled over his face. “Whoa sorry. Did I scare you?” He paused for a minute. “Kid, are you doing okay?”

“I'm fine.” I pulled my headphones out of my ears and started wrapping up the cord. Wade sat down in the seat directly across from me and set his bag down.

“I know a lie when I see one. What's going on?”

“Do you want the long version or the short version?”

“Short version, if you can.” He kicked his feet up on the seat and leaned back, folding his arms.

I took a deep breath and sighed. “Nathaniel didn't stand up for Alex, Dr. Dilly is being weird, and I heard my dad song in the simulation.”

“That must be hard.”

I nodded and looked back at the article. “By the looks of it, the government is looking to strengthen Antifelin.”

“You're a good kid so you shouldn't have to worry about any of that, but I assume that isn't what you meant.”

The picture of the injector seemed to be blinding from my phone. The sharp needle was crafted like a dagger, the drug stored inside the hilt. “My mom gave me one of these when I was twelve. Said that it was there for whenever I decided I didn't want to be a burden anymore. She told me I could go out just like my dad. I don't even know how she could get ahold of something so dangerous!”

Wade didn't say a word. “She wanted nothing to do with me.

“I remember that day so clearly.” The words felt weird in my mouth. “She was on her final required visitation deciding whether or not she wanted me. I thought that maybe I could impress her, that maybe I could get her to love me, that maybe she would want me- oh my gosh! How could I have been so foolish?” I slammed my phone down on my lap and looked at Wade. My breathing was quick. “I made her cards and art and put on my nicest dress and said 'please’ and 'thank you’ and 'I love you mommy' but I don't! I don't love her!”

Wade put his hand on my shoulder. “I know kid. I know.”

“I almost did it, you know, after she left. I held that stupid thing in my hand as I sat on the couch and I almost jammed the stupid needle in my arm. Thank God Dr. Essex decided to come see how I was doing. Thank God Nathaniel wanted to stop by with cookies. And now the bloody freaking coward is acting like an idiot because some pretty two-faced, lying little bitch decided to say hello.”

“Language, Kyrany. I won't spray you with a water bottle like some animal, but come on. You have a goal and you should work on it.”

“Fine.” I took a deep breath and felt my phone buzz. I looked at the notification. “Speak of the devil.”


“Alex just sent me a text saying little miss uptown perfect is transfering to the Central Branch because she likes Nathaniel so much.”

“Huh,” he folded his arms across his chest. “That's wildly plot convenient.”

I looked at him, a sneer on my face. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Oh nothing.” He smiled. “Look, I know you're a tough kid. You can do anything and you will go far.”

“Thanks Wilson.”

He grabbed his bag and stood up. “Oh wait, before I go-”

“No I don't know who Hugh Jackman is and I don't know a Liev Schreiber.”

“But what if-”

“No. You're not Ryan Reynolds. Could you please stop it with the names already? It's getting very annoying.”

“Fine.” Wade shrugged and walked away. I could almost swear he was talking directly to someone, but no one was there. Crazy old man.


Chapter 10 will feature a Question and Answering session featuring Kyrany, Alex, Bastian, Abrielle, and Dr. Dilly (plus me of course!) So let those questions come on in! We love and live for comments and questions!!!

*On a Serious Note*
If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or depression, please reach out to someone. You are loved, you are special, and you are important. You are still needed.

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