Chapter 10

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I should have gone home after getting off the train. I should have buried my anger. I should have stayed away from the wharf, but I didn’t. I went to the fights.

The arena was tucked in a warehouse along the dock, hidden behind miles of barbed fence and a barrier of confusion. It acted as a safe haven for anger, revenge, and all assortment of feelings left unbridled in people. The closer I got, the more the air reeked of sweat and blood and drugs.

I walked over to the door; a guard stopped me.

“You aren’t allowed here anymore.”

“Says who?” I growled.

“Says Miss Ward. Now scram or I will make you.”

My fingers twitched. “Let me talk to her.”

“What makes you think anything you say will make her change her mind?”

“Absolutely nothing. Now move or I will make you.”

The guard touched the earpiece he had and listened for a moment. The words were muffled; he grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye. “Miss Ward will see you now. I recommend you behave, Creed.”

“Make me,” I clenched my teeth, anger spilling into the words. “Just tell Katrina she better watch what she says.”

The guard smirked and laughed. “I was just about to say the same thing to you.” He dragged me inside the warehouse and up a set of stairs.

There had always been this sick feeling in my stomach that made me think Katrina Ward and I had bad blood between us. She was a figure in my twisted childhood memories and she was beautiful and dazzlingly cynical. She owned the fights and controlled the underworld and, for a time, loved my father. She changed her mind on him rather quickly.

The metal stairs creaked under our weight as the guard nudged me on further. I glanced down at the ring and watched as two mutant beat each other to a bloody pulp. The one appeared to be playing mind games and the other looked as if they were going to succumb.

“Alright,” the guard spoke. “There are only three rules you have to obey. Don’t talk unless you’re spoken to. Stay ten feet away unless approached-”

“Ten? Last time it was five.”

“Things happen, kid.”

“I guess they do.”

“Shut up. Stay ten feet away unless approached. Finally, don’t even attempt to harm-”

“Attempt to harm Miss Ward. I’ve got it, okay? This isn’t my first dance with that psycho.”

“Fine.” The guard pushed me into a viewing box above the arena and slammed the door shut. The box was a completely different world compared to the warehouse. The floor was carpeted, soft, and the walls had a delicate charm to them. It was furnished to the nines and sprawled across the one chaise lounge was Katrina Ward, glass of wine in hand, watching the fight below.

This woman was unreal to me and virtually flawless. Her eyes were captivatingly cold, her voice a single ringing bell in a snowstorm. She was the human form of a sewing needle: small, sharp, and versatile. Her mind was bright and witty, but a pile of shredded ribbon nonetheless, quite typical of a foreseer. By far the most beautiful woman on the planet and by far the ugliest. She glanced my way and chuckled softly to herself.

“Kyrany, what a surprise,” Katrina set her wine glass on the floor and swung her feet over the edge of the lounge. She sat up at stretched. “I have been expecting you.”

“And many others. It’s strange to me that you are the first one to stop by for a visit, but there isn’t much I can do about that now. Please, come have a seat.” She smiled and gently patted the spot right next to her.

I walked over. “And if I want to stand?”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“I never have.” I sighed and sat. “I want to talk about last time.”

“Of course you do!” She grabbed her glass again and the bottle of wine, filling it to the brim. “You tore my guy apart. Glass of wine?”

“No thanks. I don’t drink. Listen-”

“Yes you do.” She forced the glass in my hand and stood to get another. “There hasn’t been a Creed in existence that doesn’t drink. Trust me.”

I looked at the glass and set it down. “I just need to talk to you-”

“This isn’t about graduation reception is it?!” She turned around quickly, angrily, frightened. Her eyes had become glassy as they always did when she was struck by a vision of the future.

“No- Wait, what’s going to happen at the reception?”

“Nothing!” She snapped, shaking her head “Nothing. Now what did you want to talk about?”

“The last fight.”

“Ah, yes. That fight. You left my man in shambles as a bruised and bloody pulpy mess.”

“I know and I’m sorry-”

“Of course you are.” She filled her glass with alcohol and took a long drink. “Of course you are. Why aren’t you drinking?”

“I don’t drink.”
“Of course you do.”

“No, I don’t. Look, I need another fight-”

“Yes you do,” She paced the floor in front of the window. “You need to drink, you have to drink. You need a fight, you have to fight. Anger, frustration, boy troubles- the pathetic human boy! Why are you still friends with that nobody?”

“He isn’t pathetic and he isn’t a nobody!”

“He doesn’t posses a mutation, Kyrany.” Katrina rose her hand above her head and sipped her drink again. “If there is one thing I know, it’s that powerful women like us aren’t of the likes to worry about the lesser population.”

I stood and knocked the glass over, the red wine staining the floor. “Nathaniel isn’t lesser. I mean, he’s stupid but-” I shook my head and growled. “That’s not why I’m here! I need a fight!”

“That is why you’re here!” Katrina screamed, holding her glass to her chest desperately. “You are so consumed in rage over a fool!”


“Yes!” She grabbed my hand. “I’ll let you fight, on one condition.”

I looked her dead in the eyes and pulled my hand out of her grip. “What’s your condition.”

She smiled like a lunatic. “I think you already know.”

A Note

I promised a question and answering at the end of this chapter. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or questions to do one of those this time around, but I promise there will be one soon-ish? My life has been ridiculously crazy this past month and I apologize deeply for the hiatus that Utopia has gone through. I recently got married, so that and the stress of having two full time jobs is eating me alive. I can leave you with this note: Utopia is very much alive and the story is nowhere near finished. Apologies if this chapter isn’t as amazing as the last ones have been. On another note, Alex says hi and appreciates all of your love.


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