Chapter 7.5

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“Why don't you tell me what happened in full detail.” Dr. Dilly said as we walked together through an exhibit. I looked at the photographs and newspaper clippings on the wall.

“Nathaniel is being an idiot.”

“How so?”

“Oh my gosh, where do I begin? First of all, he was practically drooling over some girl!”

“That's quite normal for a young man his age.”

“Yeah? Well, then she turned around and decided to be a complete bigot to Alex! I mean, he didn't do anything wrong to her! And she has no say in what he does he was just there! But no- she had completely disregard him.”

Dilly looked at a window display of old uniforms. “Did he stand up for himself?”

“No,” I said. “She was talking to Nathaniel and he should have stood up for Alex.”

“But he didn't.” Dilly pulled out a small pin and began fiddling with the lock on the glass. “That is quite typical.”

“I don't get it,” I watched him as the lock softly clicked and the window swung slowly open. “What are you doing?”

He stepped up into the display and carefully removed a glove from a mannequin. Tucking it inside a bag, he slipped it into his coat pocket and produced a replica glove, replacing the one he removed. “Some very important work.”

“That involves what exactly?”

“Very complex things in the industry of Mutant Sciences. You don't have to worry about it, Miss Creed.”

I nodded and watched him leave the display, locking it again. He had a great smile on his face. “Now, isn't your time in the simulation room coming up? I wouldn't want you to miss that.”

“Yeah, yeah. But hey, about Nathaniel-”

“Everything will work out.” Dr. Dilly smiled. “Afterall, you have spoken no wrong. Now go. Victor Creed is waiting and he is not a patient man.”

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