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Oh wait, nevermind.

Sunlight blinds you as you open your eyes, getting nervous at the unfamiliar environment, though the white noise in the background is appreciated.

"Oh, you're awake!" Emily exclaims from beside you.

You turn your head towards her, not having noticed her presence at first.

"Hey. Where are we?" you ask quietly, back of the head sore from the fall.

"Oh, the infirmary."

You nod. Makes sense she'd take you here after fainting. Emily lowers herself to your level, a worried look now on her face.

"Tell me about what happened. Please."

You rub your eyes, faintly aware of a third presence in the room whose back is turned to you. Most likely a nurse who came to check up on you.

"I saw a guy, but he wasn't actually there? I guess I hallucinated?"

She frowns. "That's not possible, hun."

You smile at the familiar nickname. "What do you mean?"

"You were aware that he wasn't real. That's not possible. When hallucinating, you fully believe the vision is real. After, you can realise it wasn't, but during... Whatever you saw... you weren't hallucinating."

At first you sigh. "Great. Couldn't have afforded therapy anyways, so that's good." But then you start thinking. "But... What did I see then?"

Dread falls upon you the more you think about it. Looking up again, you notice the third presence is now facing you.

"Oh, good. Sir, could you-"


That's not a nurse...

"Who're you talking to hun?" Emily asks.

Oh no.

You turn to her, shaking. "Y-you don't see him?"

Her eyes widen in understanding. "Where is he?"

"R-right there." you whisper, pointing to the spot right by the bed.

She frowns again. "Definitely not a normal hallucination. Do you hear anything?"

You shake your head no, still highly on edge. "Hallucinations are usually seen from further away, or at least a corner of the room." She holds her chin in her hand, muttering. Always great to have a friend majoring in psychology.

"Talk to him."


"This is not a hallucination that we know of. Whatever he is, you're clearly not getting rid of him soon. Try talking to him."

You're still trembling, but you turn to him nonetheless.

Expecting a terrifying monster, you're only met with a soft gaze, practically identical to Jacksepticeye's.

You wave shyly, glancing back at Emily. You're scared she'll laugh, make fun of you, but she looks perfectly calm, giving you an encouraging nod.

He smiles brightly, and starts moving his hands quickly.

Oh no. That's sign language. 

...You never learned it.

You grimace a bit, answering to whatever he said. "I'm sorry, I don't speak sign."

He frowns, frustrated. Looking around the room a bit, he notices a clipboard and a pen. Picking them up, he starts writing quickly, turning it back to you.

'Hi! I'm Jamieson!'

You smile. "Hi Jamieson."

His smile broadens, and it looks as though it could brighten the room.

You turn to Emily, who sits frozen, face livid. You immediately frown, asking her. "What's wrong?"

She breathes out slowly, clearly trying not to freak out.

"He's real..."

You frown, questioning her some more. "What? No he's -"

"No, you don't understand." She cuts you off. "I may not see him, but he is material."

You shrug, still not knowing what she's talking about. "What do you mean? He-"

She cuts you off again. "I don't see him, but do you know what I see?"

You shrug a second time, unaware of where she's trying to get to.

"I see a floating clipboard with 'hi i'm jamieson' written on it.

Visual HallucinationWhere stories live. Discover now