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"Is Jameson here?"

-are you fucking serious.-

"This isn't funny, man. Fuck you. Bye." You hung up on them quickly, not wanting to deal with whatever asshole overheard about your predicament.

'Who was it?' Jameson asked.

"Prank call. Don't worry about-"


"Fucking hell." you mutter, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"May I talk to Jameson? It is an urgent matter."

"Dude, once wasn't enough? Really? Come on." you hung up a second time, blood boiling. How dare they? Mental health is a serious issue, for you especially now that you've started hallucinating, and they're taking it as a joke? Douchebags.


"Fucking hell!" you yell, startling JJ. You apologise to him before answering. "Look, you keep doing this I'm going to the police. My mental health is a serious matter and-"

"Look, Mx, I'm not kidding. Please pass me Jameson Jackson. I have reasons to believe he is with you at the moment, and I have an urgent matter to warn him about. If anyone co-"

"Aaannd, blocked."

Silence finally filled the room and you hummed in content, forgetting about the other presence by you.

'You alright?' he asked, tapping your shoulder. You jumped a bit, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah. Just hate these kinds of things."

The doorknob jingled, and in walked Emily. She looked awake as ever, a cheery smile on her face, though she had a slight limp in one of her legs.


"Hey, you alright there?" you ask, referring to her possibly injured leg.

"Oh, yeah, I'm good. Almost tripped on my way here, but we'll just ignore that."

You nodded, still frowning. "You sure? Want me to check it out?"

"Naah, I'm good."

"If you say so.." you whispered.

She unceremoniously threw her bag and her purse at the counter, missing and letting them fall to the ground in a loud thump. "Crap" she whispered, before shrugging and heading back to you. "Who's your guest?"

Your frown deepened. "Who's my- what the fuck do you mean who's my guest? Since when can you-"


"Oh for the love of fuck!" you yell, grabbing your cell and getting to another room. "Look, this is getting really old and I have better things to do. Why the fuck-"

"Y/n? Why are you angry?"


"Oh hey Em!" You say, flustered and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, someone's been prank calling me, wanting to talk to Jameson somehow it's been so-"

"Oh, that's why. Dark said you wouldn't listen to him. Goodness. For a master manipulator, they have no tact."


"Oh right!" She sounded surprised, almost as if she'd forgotten she was calling you. "But anyways, I think I figured out something, and I need you to come here right now before-"

The phone was plucked out of your hands, and you shouted in frustration, looking at whoever had taken it.


Oh right, she was... here


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