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"Hah. Sure. Real fucking funny."

"Wha- No! I'm-"

"I don't want to listen to this right now. Talk to me when you're ready to take this seriously."


You raise your hand in a motion to show her you aren't listening anymore.

"I'm going to my dorm room."

You walk out without another word, knowing Jamieson is right behind you.

As you walk, the air outside is fresh and crisp with autumn air. Some leaves already fallen, most still attached to branches. Strokes of red and yellow throughout the skies, only adding to the living painting that is the campus.

Jamieson taps on your shoulder. You whisper, almost hissing. "I can't talk to you! You're not real! Everyone else can't see you!"

He keeps persisting, and you think quickly for a solution.

"Oh, wait!"

You take out your cell phone, putting it to your ear as though you're calling someone. "Okay, now we can talk. What do you want."

He looks at you, a frustrated frown on his face.

"Oh, right."

You put your cell phone back in your pocket, knowing it's useless to try.

He starts moving his hands around. You want to remind him you don't know sign, but you notice it doesn't look like sign.

He's spelling out words in the air.








'I am real.'

Nope. Hallucination. You think to yourself

He looks at you smiling, hoping for a positive reaction, face falling when he sees your apathy.


Visual HallucinationWhere stories live. Discover now