Chapter Twenty ~Two

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It's the next day and I feel a little weird hope im not coming down with something
don't know whether to phone the doctor or just leave it for a few days.

In the next few days we be living in the bungalow and koko will be living
in the flat so need to make sure it's a home feeling for her.

"Right after I drink my coffee I will take the boxes to the bungalow" Jordon says

"Thats fine will you be able to get this paint for kokos room" I ask

"Thats fine " Jordon says while giving me a kiss then he starts putting the
boxes inside his car that, I go and check that koko and Lily are ready to
leave Kay is busy all week with college.


I'm on my way to drop off Lily at pre school I just hope I don't have to wait long
for the teacher to take Lily I need to get to the shop.


I'm on my back to the shop I do hope that koko has carried on from yesterday
but before I got to the shop I got to get some coffees not sure from
where is the thing.

10 minutes later I find somewhere so I pull over and head into the
shop not looking at what it's called.

Whit I can see a Que I hope koko don't mind me being late.


"Hiya huh sorry I'm late I have coffee and donutes" I says

"You brought sugar" koko say

" Yeah and ...." I say as I trun towards the toilets

I just make it in time before I be sick this is all I fucking hate being ill.I
go to the sink clean I'm my clothes and hands then brush my teeth
then I go back to the lobby.

"Are you okay" koko asks as I walk into the lobby.

"Yeah I'm okay I've been feeling odd for a while I've been putting it down
to the fact that Lydia is missing and that Carl White is still on the run
but now I'm now to sure" I say

"Why don't you phone the doctors see if they have an free slot for today"
koko suggests

"I can't leave you on your own" I say

"I'll be fine" koko says so I pick up my phone up.

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