Chapter 7

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(Rin's POV)

"Hey, Rin-chan!" Len asked right in my ear next to me. I jumped and pushed him, sending him to the ground from his chair. "Len-kun, you frightened me!!" I yelled. Len was laughing and poked my cheek playfully as if I was his puppy.

"Haha, sorry Rinny! It's just that you smell so nice." Len said, sitting back on his chair and nuzzles against me. I huffed and went on with my work but Len kept kissing me and sticking super close to me. "Len, if I give you my perfume, would you let me work? I know that you love me but this is too much." I asked.

"Really? That would be great!" He said.

"Do I really smell nice to you?"

"Yeah! It smells so nice of oranges and flowers and baby powder~~~~" He said, happily.

I blushed red in the cheeks and grabbed my makeup pouch from my bag as he watched curiously. Taking my perfume bottle out, I handed it to him. "Here, that's my perfume. Keep it carefully, okay?" I said.

"I can keep it?!" He asked with sparkly eyes. "Thanks so much, Rin-chan!!!! Ill be smelling this all day!"

"Okay, okay, just be careful because it's glass and pointy. Knowing you, you'll probably get hurt from it." I smiled as Mr Hiyama came in who left to go to a bathroom break.

"Hehe, I won't!......I think!" His voice trailed off into a question as he quickly hid the bottle.

(Len's POV)

I stared down at the bottle in glee during lunch as I lay down on the grass, smelling it here and there when no one was looking. The clear bottle shone in the sunlight, making the flowery carving on it glow. "Say, is your perfume in stores?" I asked.

"Nope, I had it specially made for me." She replied, her eyes still on her book.

"Oh dang. I better give this to my mom to take care of it me." I said. "Does it have a special name? All perfumes have names, right?"

"Yes, it does and I named mine specially. It's called Iridescent." She smiled, looking at me.

Wow.........that's a really pretty name, like for a fairy tale book.

"Whoa, that's a really beautiful name."

"It is, isn't it? I named it after I visited Austria to see my aunties who lived there as a child. We visited this beautiful white and dark indigo mansion in a hill that was once owned by one of ancestors who was formally a noble woman and a former aristocrat--and which my parents bought for me. Whilst I stayed there over and slept in a room where used to sleep in. Then, I discovered her things such as her jewelry, dresses and her books. I looked through them in curiosity and wonder, finding her perfume that smelt of marshmallows but faded as soon as you sprayed it. Then her pretty suits, hats and photos and portraits. And there, I found her diary, a special jewel that was kept in a box." Rin said.

"Ooh, and then?" I asked.

"The jewel was a beautiful diamond that had the colours of a quartz. Her diary told a romantic but sad story of wanting to leave her family and her unwanted arranged fiance with her lover, to be freed and let go of. That jewel was given to her when she once visited a mine that her family owned as a young girl around my age where one of the poor miner gave it to her as a gift to thank her for coming to his aid when he cut his hand. With that, she fell into a swirl of sadness and sympathy and despair when the miner decided to give it to her than keeping it for himself, realizing how cruel the world and humans were. Ever since, she kept the jewel that had the poor miner's blessings and specially kept the jewel as she placed her unfueled  sadness and yearnings into it. I was so amazed by the story that I kept thinking about it everyday, having dreams of her and drawing pictures of her. So you could say that's how I got the name Iridescent." She giggled gently.

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