Bara Yoru Komori

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(the picture above isn't what she exactly looks like, I just think that it represents her personality well)

Name: Bara Yoru Komori

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Birthday: March 23

Sign: Aries

Relatives: Unknown

Race: Unknown

Personality: Bara may look like a princess at first sight, but her past has made her bitter on the inside. She used to love princesses and fairies but when she was revealed to the painful truth of the world, oh how much she has changed. Now she would always stay in the shadow and watch the world go on, not wanting anything to do with it. The only times she looks like an actual human is when she is listening to her favorite songs.

Known Talents/Powers: can use any weapon, can disable a 6 feet boxer in less than a second, great with hand on hand combat, extremely flexible, can play the flute, piano, guitar, drums, and clarinet. When she sings, her voice can make you do anything she wants. When a human hears her voice, they would go mad if they can't listen to it forever. She can also transmit memories to the person listening if she wants to. She can shapeshift into anything. She can talk to animals. She can read minds if she wants to and can "sense" where someone is. She can teleport and has supernatural strength.

Appearance: Bara has snow white hair with a blood red ombre. She has pale white skin and pale pink lips. Her eyes are a beautiful teal color but most of the time, they look dull. She also has an eye patch over her left eye and her left arm and right legs are covered in white bandages.

She wears a silver diamond shaped locket with a diamond rose that slowly transfers to ruby. It looks like a rose flicked with red water. Bara also has a matching silver hairclip that was designed to look like angel wings.

She would normally wear a black crop top with the words Fallen Angel written on it in silver. She would wear black pants with some chains hanging around the hip on the right side. She would also have on a pair of black boots with silver laces and a few more chains dangling around it.

Known Likes: music, sleeping, dancing, roses, vampires, creepy stuff, paranormal, supernaturals, black, red, blood, fighting, playing instruments, reading, watching Yui be a total idiot, knives, pain.

Known Dislikes: Yui, pink, day, light, lovey-dovey stuff, talking, loud noises, fangirls, people playing innocent, people making fun of her, anyone with the name Ruby.

Bio: Unkown (for now)

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