Chapter 2 - The Meeting by The Lake

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Thinking = 'hi!'

Writing = "hello!"

Normal talking = "hope you enjoy!"

Bara's POV

Running through the trees as fast as I can is amazing! The wind at my hair, the spots of light that dance across the forest floor, the rush of adrenaline inside me, it's all a part of me. It's all I ever want to do. But we can't always get what we want.


Walking towards the lake that I could see in the distance, I stared at two birds as they flew by. One was blue while the other was red. They were flying around each other until the blue one landed in a nest above me. I heard the chirps of babies as they were fed and suddenly felt a stabbing pain for my family.

'They couldn't have just sold me to the hospital! We weren't poor! I know that there must be more to the reason why they didn't come and get me.' I softly sighed, not knowing that someone was actually watching from the shadows. "Why is life so hard?" I whispered to the sky as soon as I got to the lake. I took my hoodie off to finally reveal my long and beautiful snow white hair, forever stained with blood.

Sitting down at the lakeside, I stared at my reflection.

"Are you okay?" a deep voice said from behind me. I immediately reached for my locket, pressed the record button and grabbed the chains that dangled from my hip.

Whipping around to face the voice I threw the hidden knife that was attached to my chain.

"The f*ck!?" the voice cried out. As soon as my hair drifted out of the way I realized that it was Shu that I'd hit.

"Not my fault that you were stalking me." I wrote and stuck my tongue out at him. "Stalker pants!"

"Okay, okay," Shu said chuckling, pulling the knife out. "No need to get all mad over me. And why do you write on paper if you can talk?"

My eyes widened in shock and I quickly wrote down, "I can't talk. I'm mute." I gave a shaky smile, trying hard not to show any surprise.

"I know you can talk!" Shu yelled, stalking towards me and forcing me to step back. "I heard you! You have the most angelic voice ever so why don't you use it!?"

Looking away to avoid his gaze, I stared at the lake and sighed. 'I can't tell him! I won't tell him! I don't want his pity!'

"So?" Shu asked, coming closer. "Tell me why!"

I know that that was a command, but I ignored it. Instead, listening to the song playing in the background. I still have my earbuds in apparently, I always wear them and listen to songs that sometimes I forget they're still there.

All of a sudden, Shu grabbed my earbuds and pulled them out. "Tell me why you don't talk right now or else I will throw these into the lake!"

Staring at him in shock, I started writing something but Shu grabbed it away. "No! You have to say it! Don't write it!"

Sighing, I dropped down and kicked a leg out to swivel in a circle, forcing Shu's legs to collapse and drop him. I then took the knife that was still in his hands and quietly said, "Don't stick your fangs where they shouldn't be, or else there would be grave consequences."

Throwing the knife into the lake so it could wash off, I took my black earbuds back and plugged them back into my iPhone. I also took my notebook and pencil back and wrote, "If you try to tell anyone, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Walking away silently, I pulled on the chain that was attached to the knife I threw in the river and pulled it back in. Tucking it in a hidden pocket, I calmly walked away.

"Wait!" Shu called out. "At the introduction, you never told me your name. The guy who said that you would be coming here didn't say it either."

"Bara Yoru Komori," I whispered, fully aware that he could hear me. "That's my name." I then walked away without another word, disappearing into the shadows of the trees.


'Bara Yoru Komori, eh' I thought to myself. 'Wonder why her family named her Rose?' Staring out onto the lake, I whispered, "That girl is very interesting. Wonder why she's so cold. She has way too many secrets for a girl her age."


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the story so far, I surely loved writing it. Thanks for reading, comment if you have any suggestions for the future and vote, I guess.

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