From Me To You

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When I started writing this story I have to admit I was tired of reading all the happy endings in werewolf stories. You know the sort I mean... boy meets girl but doesn't like how she looks so he casts her away then regrets the decision and low and behold the story turns around because she runs away and comes back looking wonderful. Well.. yuck. I don't mean to take anything away from the writers who write those stories because some of them are truly amazing and well written.

The truth is though that in real life very few girls (and boys) rarely get their wonderful wolf. Life isn't like that. As sad as it is to say we live our lives being outcasts because of what we look like.

One of the scariest things I ever heard was a five year old calling another fat. I was completely blown away by that and that's when I knew that no matter what the world wasn't going to change. There's always going to be someone who has to demean another for the way they look.

Sad isn't it?

I'm not about to tell you that life will be all wonderful as you grow older because I'd be lying. I'm not about to say it gets easier to hear because I'd be lying.

What I can tell you is that from my own experience I learnt how to deal with the hurt differently. Some of the memories I have will always feel as raw as the day they occurred but then there are some that I can look back on now with a smile because I know the people who treated me badly as adults and let me tell you... they're not "all that".

I feel horrible at times when I consider feeling good to see how they turned out but I guess that makes me better than them. I can feel their pain even when I know I didn't matter to them.

I hope that as you've read my story you can see how hard it was for me to write. Words are just words on a bit of paper? Some would say that's right; I on the other hand say no they're not.

Words can hurt.

It's the words we use each day that have the ability to make or break someone into pieces. Words whether lies or truth should never be said unless you want to destroy the person they're directed to.

So to anyone who's reading this and realising right now that you've done just that I ask that you take a step back and ask yourself just what it is that makes you better than them to the point where you have the right to judge? If you can't find a real answer then learn to say I'm sorry but you have to mean it cause we're not as dumb as some people think.

Just because people may not look like you think they should doesn't make them stupid. If anyrhing it makes them more aware of the sincerity of the people they meet in life.

For those of you who read this and relate to Nellie I say this to you. I'm here. Nellie speaks for me, as I was growing up I felt Nellie's pain and so much more. I took Nellie's feelings from my own experiences. Some of the experiences I had would completely blow you away. All I wanted was acceptance and I can honestly say I never received it. There was always someone who sought to knock me down but what they weren't figuring on was my ability to get back up and keep fighting. They may have had their moments where they got the better of me but in the end I know one rhing they didn't... they could abuse my body, my mind and even my reputation but one thing they never got fhe chance to kill was my heart. I still loved and eventually I realised something. I didn't have to love my body, I just needed to love who I am... and I do.

So now I thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read Janella's Rejection. I look forward to catching up with you when I do the sequel. I'm writing other stuff right now and I need to take a break from all this while I edit. It's going to be tough for Nellie in the next story and I want a clear head before I get into it.

So thank you again. Be happy, play nice but most of all... Be You!

MMB xxx

Janella's Rejection - Book 1 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now