I'm A Believer

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Prompt: Soulmates aren't the ones that make you the happiest. They're the ones that make you feel the most.

Sort of AU. Like a realistic AU. Like historical fiction? I guess?

Camila was sure that she was over Lauren. She'd left Fifth Harmony, unfollowed them all, and refused to cry when they unfollowed her too. She'd written an entire album about the green eyes she still saw when she went to sleep hoping to get the other girl out of her head and her heart. And then she wrote a second album because she wasn't done yet.

And it worked, for the most part.

Her PR team came up with Mattmila, and as much as the older man made Camila want to vomit, she followed along. He's a narcissistic asshole though, and her fans started to notice that he wasn't treating her like a girlfriend.

That's how Camila found herself in Roger's office. "Look, I don't know what you want me to do! I did what I was supposed to do, it's not my fault he's not following through on his end." She crosses her arms like a petulant child and sits back in her chair.

Roger sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Fine Camila. We'll end Mattmila. But you have CC2 coming out soon and you need an attention getter to promote it."

"I'll come out." Camila surprises herself and her manager. "I'll uhm, I've got an appearance with Ellen next week. After I perform Like Friends Do, I'll come out."

"That's the stupidest idea you've ever had. Another album completely about Jauregui, and you want to confirm Gaymila?"

Camila sets her jaw and replies, "It's my decision, and it's final. I'm sick of hiding behind fake relationships with shitty guys. At least if I come out, I'll have a chance at happiness."

"Lauren came out last year. This is going to spark Camren rumors again! Do you really want those invasive psychos to analyze your entire life again?" Roger was clearly pissed, and stressed. He rubs his head. "You know what? Okay, do whatever you want. It's your world kid, I'm just living it."

Sighing in relief, Camila has to hold back tears. She very rarely got her way in these meetings. "Thank you! You won't regret it, I promise."

He rolls his eyes. "I guess we'll see about that. Now get the hell outta my office."

Camila leaves before he can change his mind. As she takes an Uber back to her apartment, she can't help but making a note in her phone and trying to script what she's going to say. It's useless of course, she'll end up blanking and have to wing it like she always does. But the illusion of preparedness makes her feel better.

She Skypes her mom when she gets home. If she's coming out to the world, she wants her family to know first.

"Hola mija! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Sinu answers, holding her phone at an odd angle.

Camila adjusts her computer on her lap. "Is Papi there? And Sofi? I have something I want to tell you guys."

Sinu seems surprised. "I'll get them. Is everything okay Karla?"

"I'm okay Mamí. Just need to talk to you guys."

A few seconds later, her family is gathered around her Mom's phone screen. "Hi guys."

Her dad smiles at her. "Hello mija. How's LA?"

Sofi pushes herself between her parents and waves forcefully. "Hi Kaki!"

"LA is good. Hi Sof." Camila starts to get nervous. "Um... I have an announcement. I'd rather do this is person, but I'm kind of on a time crunch here and that's not going to happen."

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