music and smoke

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*Ember's pov*

I was about to reply with something like, "how come I got you pregnant in just a few seconds," or "we are both women though." But right now isn't the best time to joke around. She just said she is pregnant when we just had sex. Well, sex...maybe for her. What we just did actually meant something for me. But it doesn't matter how I feel anyways.

I get out of bed putting my clothes back on. I grab a pack of cigarettes that I bought a couple days ago and my phone. I don't actually smoke, I never wanted to nor do I want to. But at the moment it doesn't seem like a bad time. I connect my phone to the speaker and let music fill up the house.

I grab a lighter and light up a cigarette. After a few moments Farah walks into the dark living room where I'm seated at. She sits next to me but not too close.

"I've never been with a guy," I confess.

She turns to look at me with a frown. There isn't much light but I can still see her with the moonlight hitting her face. She is just perfect. A work of art.

"Wait, what?" She practically yells.

I bring up the cigarette to my lips, her eyes following. And then I nod. I release the smoke.'s nasty. I hate it. I'm not doing this ever again. I bought the cigarettes for Ryan who actually does smoke.

"Yeah, you heard me."

"So you're telling me I.."

I nod once again. I can't believe it. I gave myself to her. And right after that she tells me she is pregnant! Fuck my life! What else is life going to give me? For the love of God, will something good ever happen to me?

One of my favorite songs starts playing. I get up from the couch and offer her a hand. "Would you dance with me?" I ask nervously. I want her to say yes. I'm hoping for her to say yes.

Thankfully she nods and takes my hand. I pull her close, my arms go around her waist while her's go around my neck. Not being able to resist I close my eyes and rest my forehead on hers.

I can feel her breathing getting more shallow. Our feet start moving as we continue to dance in the darkness. I bury my face into her neck without even noticing.

I breathe in her scent. Gosh, I'm going to miss her. This might be the last time I will ever hold her and for that reason I want to cherish this moment and make it feel like it will last forever.

I couldn't control myself and I start crying into her neck. She rubs my back as I start crying harder. Why am I crying? Is it because this might be the last time I will fall in love or the fact that I will never be as happy again? Maybe because I'm losing her.

"Ember are you ok?" I hear her ask.

I just hold onto her tighter. She tries to pull away but I can't let go of her. I don't want to let go of her. I still want to feel her heart beating against my chest. I still want to take in her scent.

"Ember...let me see your face," she says softly.

I let myself fall to the ground and cry into my hands. After a few moments I look up at her. She has worry written all over her face.

" really like to hurt me. You love to play with me like if I were your toy. You threw me around so many times. I always got back up to run towards you. And then again you will just push me back down. Why do you like hurting me? Why? Is it because you know I will always run back and I will never do anything to you? Is that what you like? Do you use people? I bet you love to play that game. But I'm done! I'm done playing your stupid game! I'm not a fucking toy! 5 days...I give you 5 days to pack up and find somewhere to live. If you don't leave by that time you will come home to find your things on the porch," I wipe myself and stand up.

Without looking at her I grab my phone and head upstairs.

"Where am I supposed to go? I can't do all of this alone! Please!" She yells.

"I said what I said."

I slam the door shut. Of course she can't do none of this alone. She needs a toy to play with. A second person or more. Well I'm done being her bitch. I feel bad because she is pregnant but that's why she has Johnny. As much as I hate him I need to go check up on him.

"Sorry, visiting hours are done," the receptionist said when I got there. It was fine with me. It's better because I didn't want to come in the first place. But I'm just he really the father?

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