who's at fault?

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Ember was wrapped in Farah's arms as they lay in bed silently. Ember didn't want to speak or move. She just wanted to be comforted at the moment.

Her heart ached and each time she closed her eyes she would see another image of Dan. His smile, his laugh, everything about him was fresh into Ember's brain. And the worst part is she can't explain to Elli that he will never be back.

She just couldn't hold in the tears. She sobbed into Farah's chest. She felt weak but that wasn't her first thought. She just wanted to hold her old man once again. All she could do was cry until she fell asleep.

"Baby?" Farah shook her lightly.

Ember didn't budge.

"Baby.." Farah tried once again.

This time Ember's eyes opened slowly. To her surprise Farah's face was only inches away from her own. Ember smiled sadly at her and reached for Farah's face, stroking it softly.

"You're a very fine sight to wake up to," Ember spoke to her for the first time in 4 days. Ember felt her throat dry. She didn't even recognize her own voice.

Farah smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Go brush your teeth, wash your face, and get dressed," Farah spoke softly.

Ember nodded. It took her 15 minutes to finally find the strength and motivation to get out of bed. She wanted to see her daughter and her dad.

In 10 minutes Ember sat herself at the edge of the bed. She hasn't changed yet, although Farah told her to do so.

"You are not dressed. Great!"

Farah walked over to the closet and picked out some clothes for Ember. She helped her get dressed. Then she did some light makeup on her as usual. This time Farah had to do her own eyebrows. Ember always did them but today just wasn't the day.

"I know I never say it enough but I love you very much," Ember said barely above a whisper.

Farah looked away from her reflection to look at Ember who was looking down at the floor. Farah was about to speak but saw a tear fall down on Ember's knee. Farah dropped her things and was beside her lover in a matter of seconds.

"It's ok, baby," Farah cooed as she held Ember in her arms.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. My mom dies, you move away after that, and now Dan is gone too."

Farah's heart shattered. She just wanted to give back everything Ember she wanted. If only she could do something. But there was no use in thinking of what to do. Mostly because there wasn't anything to do.

"But do you know what you have now? You may not have your mom but you have your dad. I may have left but I came back. And Dan...he left his love so you could give it to your daughter and your new child who is on it's way."

Ember came to realize that what Farah was saying was true. And as much as she never mentions it, she is deeply thankful for everyone in her life. Thankful for the ones who hurt her for making her realize her value. For those who gave their heart to her, making her realize people can be great.

She was hurting over death. Someone who she loved with all her heart. A person who raised her and taught her lessons that made her into the woman she is today.

Dan's words rung inside her head.

"You're mourning me as if I were dead..."

Ember nodded. Farah had no idea what was going on inside Ember's head and that made her scared. She didn't know what will happen next.

RoommatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora