new friends

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"Ha ha! No way!" Ryan gasped as he held onto Ember's hand. They decided to take a walk around the city to talk and to just enjoy the night.

It was chilly and they both were clinging onto each other. Ember was just telling him about Farah and how they got together. Ember, herself couldn't believe that.

"But she also wants the Johnny to part of the baby's life," Ember rolled her eyes.

Ryan looked up at her. "And how do you feel about that?" He asks.

They suddenly stop walking. Ember thought about it for a few seconds before continuing to walk again. She let out a big sigh, forming a light fog in front of her.

"I don't know...if it were up to me I would've thrown him in jail by now, for all that he has done. But that's not something I can do so I guess I'll just have to go by Farah's saying."

Ryan hums in response and rests his head on Ember's shoulder. "How did that book club come by, though? Did you like it?" He asks changing the topic.

"We got tricked! Can you believe that? But it was alright. I have 6 new friends now," Ember replied while looking down at her friend.

"Ohhh...any boys?" Ryan asks curiously.

"3, actually but 2 are dating and one seems to be straight. I'm not sure. He is giving me mixed signals," Ember made a weird face.

They both laughed and continued with their walk. Ryan pulls out a cigarette from his pocket and a lighter. He blows the smoke towards Ember's face knowing it would bother her.

Ember coughed and glared at him. "Keep that cancer stick away from me," she warned.

Ryan laughed and dropped the cigarette. He stomped on it and held onto Ember.

"Babe I'm home!" Ember yells when she steps into the house. Dan is the first to appear out of the kitchen.

"Hey Dan!"

He mumbles something and goes back inside the kitchen. Ember frowns and follows him. She stops at the doorway and folds her arms across her chest making her muscles more visible. Girls loved whenever she did that.

"What's your problem, old man?" She asked softly.

He glares at her and continues eating his cut up fruit. What the fuck? Ember thought.

She approaches him and sits next to him at the dining table. They had a dining room but it isn't used so they just put the table inside the kitchen.

" to me," Ember pleaded. She wanted to know what was wrong because it was clearly bothering Dan. If she did something wrong she would like to fix it.

He huffs but doesn't say anything.

"You've told me that communication is the key," Ember pushes.

Dan groans and finally looks at her. He's sad...

"I'm very happy for you and your girlfriend. You are back at your old self but you pushed me aside. I'm old and I need help. You might as well go leave me back to the nursing home-"

"Dan I won't do that! I'm sorry! I's been years since I've felt this way. And I want to cherish her, you know? But I also want to have you with're the only thing I have left of my family," Ember sniffed.

She felt a hand on her's. She looked down and saw Dan's hand. She smiled warmly at him.

"You still have your father, Ember."

"But not even you like him."

"That might be half true but he is still my blood and will always be until I die. You now have a child. You have Ellionette now. So don't say you only have me," Dan scolded.

Ember nodded in defeat. She always had much respect for Dan. He was a very wise man and Ember admired that from him.

"Just know that I will always keep you by my side," Ember said as she got up from her seat.

She pauses and pats Dan's shoulder before continuing to head towards the livingroom. She plops herself onto the couch and closes her eyes. She feels arms around her neck. Smiling, she instantly knowing who it is.

Farah places Ellionette on top of Ember's lap. Ember hasn't admitted it yet but she has started to develop a motherly kind of love towards Elli. Ember looks up to see Farah already looking down at her.

"How was the walk?" Farah whispered.

"It was good," Ember hummed and puckered her lips, asking for a kiss. Farah granted her wish by placing a soft kiss on her lips.




Ember broke the kiss and looked down at Elli in surprise. She then looked up at Farah and back at Elli.

"Dan!!" Ember yelled excitedly.

Dan came into the living room, lazily. He sighed and raised his bushy eyebrows in question.

"Elli just said her first word! Right, Farah? Did you hear it? She said momma!" Embed yelled. She sounded like a little kid.

"I heard it, alright," Farah said with a smile.

Dan's bored face turned into a wide smile instantly. He moved towards Ember and grabbed Elli with the help of Ember.

"That's amazing! Oh! You're such a big girl, aren't you?" Dan beamed. Elli just babbled back.

Ember grabbed Elli back and hugged her tightly. She kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"Come on. It's late and you need some rest," Ember said softly.

She gave Elli back to Dan and took him to his room. She then took Elli to her own and finally went back to Farah who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

Ember let herself stretch across the same couch and placed her head on top of Farah's lap. She is so happy and glad that she now has Farah.

Ember placed a hand on Farah's belly and rubbed it lightly. "How's the baby doing?" Ember asked Farah.

Farah didn't take her eyes off the screen. She was dazed and probably didn't hear Ember. So ember repeated her question, this time actually grabbing Farah's attention.

"They are fine...just a lot of morning sickness, which im tired of," Farah admitted. So far the pregnancy wasn't bad. Just the moodswings, morning sickness, and so on. She is 2 months pregnant, she has enjoyed it so far. She is just glad that Ember and Johnny have been by her side the whole time.

The thing is she doesn't know what to do about Johnny. She wants to leave him in her past but at the same time have him in present so he could at least watch over his child.

Farah looked down at Ember who was already staring at her with a smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Farah tilted her head to the side.

"When are you going to find out the baby's gender?" Ember asked.

"I'm not sure," Farah responded thoughtfully. She didn't know if she wanted to know the baby's gender just yet.

"Have you told your parents?"


Farah totally forgot to call her mom back. It's been a while and the last time they talked Farah attempted to tell her mom the news and miserably failed. Though, she wasn't disappointed with the outcome. She will call them first thing tomorrow.

She just hopes that everything will turn out just fine...

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