best creation

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"Emiliano, love..."

"Everything is okay, my love. One more push and she will be here."

It took all of Magnolia's strength to push. The faint cries of the new born were heard.

"I know I said one more push but there is still more," Emiliano smiles.

The baby was getting cleaned while Magnolia still had to keep working. Emiliano stayed by her side the whole time.

The new baby was brought to an exhausted Magnolia.

"You did great. You are so strong. I'm so proud of you," Emiliano cooed as he ran his fingers through his wife's hair.

His heart was exploding with joy. After nine months his best creation was finally here.

"She's precious," he commented as he looked down at his daughter.

"I'm tired..." Magnolia smiled weakly.

"I know, rest."

"This is your grandmother..." Ember said as she showed a picture of Magnolia to Ellionette.

"Where is she?" Ellionette questioned as she looked around.

Ember was about to speak when she was interrupted by her wife. "In heaven, watching over us."

Their daughter still didn't understand what that meant. Ember just kissed her forehead and layed her in bed.

"You never took me to prom," Farah commented as they walked back to their bedroom.

"You never stayed for that," Ember replied.

"Who did you take?"

Ember stopped walking and turned around with a smirk. "Would you believe me if I said I never actually went?"

Farah gasped, "really? Why not?"

"I didn't want to bring anyone that wasn't you..."

"You literally didn't go because of me?" Farah asked in disbelief.

Ember nodded.

"Did you go?"

Farah felt bad now that Ember confessed that she never went to prom because of her.


"Who took you?"

Farah shifted her weight from one foot to another, she hesitated before answering, "some girl," she mumbles.

"Which girl?" Ember smirked.

"It's not important," Farah dismissed the question.

"That's not fair, I told you the whole truth. Now it's your turn," Ember crossed her arms.

Farah rolled her eyes. "Her name was Charlie."

Ember raised an eyebrow, "what an unusual name for a girl...I'm a bit intrigued."

Farah laughed.

"Tell me more."

"She was a tomboy and all that so she wore a suit, I wore a red dress. The night was okay. We didn't really like each other anyways-"

"Are you saying that to make me feel better or...?"

Farah shook her head and grabbed Ember's hand leading her outside. They stood under the stars quietly for a few moments, enjoying their surroundings. Ember still had questions about Farah's prom night.

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