tears but no screams

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*Ember's pov*

Today Ellionette gets her first shots. Apparently Layla was never responsible when it came to Ellionette. Layla never took her to her doctor appointments. So this new experience for Elli could turn out in two ways.

She either cries each time she comes into the doctors office or just deals with it.

Elli and I have been in the room for about 20 minutes already, I have been trying to get the doctor to smile the whole time. He just won't crack though. It's frustrating.

"Ok. We will give her shots and she will be ready to go," the doctor says in monotone.

"Great! So where's the bottle?" I ask looking around. "I can pay for the first round."

He doesn't even smile a bit. He still has his serious face on. How does he have the job of work with children? It doesn't make sense.

"Fine...then I'll just go drink at home alone. Jesus," I mumble.

I look up to see him. I finally got him to crack a small smile! Yay!!

"I'll be back with your shots," he says. Aaaand he's back to being serious again. What's up with him?

I look at Elli and she looks up at me. I smile down at her making her giggle.

"You won't be giggling in a few seconds," I muttered to myself.

Elli points at the door. "He mad," she whispers, furrows her eyebrows and pouts making a facial expression that imitates anger.

I couldn't help but laugh. I'm definitely rubbing it off on her. Who said she wasn't my child?

We heard a knock and the doctor came in. He placed all of the stuff down and sat across from his like before.

"Hold her tight," he instructed as he got the needle ready.

I hate the doctors and I hate needles. I probably look paler at this point. Elli looked at the needle with wide eyes. She has no idea what's about to happen. Or maybe she does.

The doctor grabbed Elli's arm gently and counted down.

"...1," he inserted the needle.

I saw a tear run down Elli's cheek, she sniffed once but didn't let out a scream. I smile down at her and she looks up at me with teary eyes.

"You did a good job, princess," I comment as I kiss her cheek.

The doctor nodded. "Okay, you guys are done."

He stood up from the chair and gathered his stuff. He turned to look at us one last time.

"I like you..." he pointed at me. He had no smile on his face whatsoever. Me on the other hand, I smiled wide at him.

I put Elli down and we walked hand in hand out the office.

"That went well," I state as I look at Farah.

She just got out the shower and she looks incredibly gorgeous. Elli decided to take a nap along with the babies. So Farah and I have some alone time.

"Did she scream?" Farah laughed.

"Fortunately, not. But a few tears did escape. She looked cute."

"So...mom called," Farah started.

I sit up as I hear this. "And?"

"She's found a place, finally," Farah smiled.

I sighed in relief. The woman has been staying with a friend ever since she left Glen's house. I wanted to help Alycia but she refused to allow me. She didn't want me to stress over another person.

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