Chapter two

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Mmmmmm mmmmm
I shifted my head, and scrunched my face up before trying to get up and failing to because of a weight holding me down. I slowly pried my eyes open and was met with almost complete darkness. I blindly reached to turn the small lamp next to my bed on, and my eyes widened as I saw Ben curled up next to me with an arm sprawled out across my chest... purring? Huh. He even acts like a cat in his sleep. He turned his head, and laid it next to my chest, and continued to purr. I giggled at the sight, and admired his plump pink lips, and long eyelashes before lightly running my fingers through his blonde hair. He purred even louder if that's possible, and I laid there relaxing until the sun started to rise. Ben suddenly got out of bed, and stretched before stripping naked. I blushed at the sight, and realized that he seemed to be sleepwalking. He walked over to the window as the sun rose, and in the blink of an eye he had changed back to a cat, then jumped into bed, curling up next to me almost as if that had never happened. I gawked at the sight. I guess Ben really was telling the truth. And that explains why he doesn't remember changing into a cat. He unconsciously changed. Almost instinctively. I yawned and checked the time on my phone.
6:45 am
"Ugh..."I closed my eyes, and slowly fell back asleep for a few more hours.

Yesterday (Ben POV)

I rolled onto my back, and stretched out my legs, before my ears perked up hearing a beautiful voice. "I've always wanted a cat, but I travel a lot so I wasn't sure of when I could get one."
The voice was approaching my crate, so I got up, curious to see the person that this voice belonged to. First I saw the salesman.. then I saw him. Dark brown hair, and rich chocolatey eyes. He locked eyes with me, and smiled. "Wow. Aren't those some pretty eyes?" The salesman hummed in agreement, and said "That's Ben. Do you want me to get him out?"
"I'd love that, thanks." Said the mysterious man. The salesman unlocked my cage, and I slowly stepped out to greet the stranger. He held his hand out to me, and I sniffed it and rubbed my head on his hand. He smiled, and scratched behind my ears as I purred. The salesman watched with wide eyes "wow. I've never seen a cat be that friendly to a new person." Then the salesman locked me back up, and walked away. After a few minutes they walked back over, and the salesman put me into a carrying crate, before saying "enjoy your new home, Ben." I meowed, and the man carried me out, and we drove to what I assume was his apartment. Soon after that he left to go shopping. The sun had fallen before my new owner had come back home. I was a bit nervous to see how he would react to me as a human. I hoped that he wouldn't kick me out like all of my past 'owners'. I really like him. Just as I thought that, the door flew open, and in he walked. My heart was racing, and my head pounding. He set down his grocery bags, and looked around for me. After convincing him not to call the cops, I explained my situation, and he said I could stay for the time being. I was ecstatic. This had never happened before. All of my past owners had thrown me out after they discovered my secret. And I learned his name. Joe. Very fitting for him in my opinion. He told me that I could sleep on the couch, which I did try to for an hour or two, but I couldn't stop thinking about him, and it was far too cold to stay in the living room by myself. So, I got up and tiptoed to Joe's bedroom, and slipped into bed with him. He hasn't kicked me out yet, so maybe he won't be too mad at me for sleeping with him without permission...hopefully.

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