Chapter three

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Bzzzzzz bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz
"Ughhhh" I groaned at being woken up for the third time tonight. But this time, it wasn't because of Ben. My phone was ringing. I reached for my phone, and smiled as I read the caller's name.
I looked over to see (cat) Ben was still sleeping, so I carefully got out of bed and walked out into the hallway to answer the call, so I wouldn't disturb him.
"Hey." I said happily. "Joe! I miss you, are you busy today?" I actually have today off, surprisingly. "Nope, wanna come over?" Rami responded instantly "I'd love to."
"Okay great," I remembered I'll have to introduce Ben to Rami, "Guess what Rami?" I said giggling. "What did you do, Joseph?" He said playfully. "I got a cat! You're gonna love him." "Oh my gosh! Finally! Oh.. I've gotta go, but I'll see you later."
"Alright, bye-bye." I said, excited to introduce my long-time best friend Rami, whom I met while acting in 'The Pacific', to Ben. I turned my phone back on to check the time, and my eyes widened. 1:27 pm. wow. I haven't slept in this late in a long time. I felt my stomach growl, and I decided to go make some breakfast. Hmmmm... I wonder what Ben likes to eat. I'll have to ask what kinds of food he likes tonight, but for now I'll just make us some eggs, and bacon. Who doesn't like bacon? I walked over to my rustic wooden table, and went through the stuff I got Ben last night. I grabbed the scratching post, and started walking to my room, because I have a feeling Ben will be in here a lot. I placed the scratching post next to my night stand, and looked over to my bed. My eyes met with wide ocean blue ones. My feet padded on the soft blue carpet, before I sat on the edge of my bed, and scratched behind Ben's ears as he purred. "Morning Ben." I said as I smiled at the fur ball. He rolled over, and rubbed his face on my side. I spoke again "My Friend Rami is coming over tonight." Ben nodded, and jumped off of the bed as he had discovered the scratching post. He stretched his legs out, and scratched it. I smiled at the sight. "I made breakfast, if you're hungry." I opened my bedroom door and walked into the kitchen with Ben following behind me.

Knock knock
I got off of the couch where me and Ben were watching Ratatouille to get the door for Rami. I opened the door and smiled at my best friend. "Hey." He stepped in and smiled at me before taking his shoes off, "So, where's this cat that you speak of?" He said as he scanned the room, before his eyes landed on the couch. He walked over to the couch, and I followed. Ben looked at us with his wide blue eyes. "What's his name?" Rami asked, and I responded with "Ben." He held his hand out to the cat and Ben looked Rami over, before locking eyes with me and meowing. Rami laughed as I reached my hand out to Ben, and he closed his eyes, and purred as I pet him. "I guess he doesn't really like me that much." Rami said sadly. "I'm sure he's just acting that way because you're a new person." I said, trying to assure my best friend that the cat doesn't hate him. We decided to finish watching Ratatouille, as me and Rami both loved the movie. We chatted and ate snacks until the sun was close to falling, and Rami had to get home, because he had to get to work early tomorrow morning, so we said our goodbyes, and Rami left. I'm glad he left before the sun fell, because I'm not so sure I'm ready to tell him about Ben's little secret yet. I closed the door after Rami left, and went to my room to look for Ben. My eyes widened, and my face got red as I opened the door. "Hey buddy." Ben said with a husky voice, smirking at my with his plump pink lips, and staring at me with his ocean colored eyes. My heart was pounding and I felt butterflies in my chest as I replied with a small "Hi."

Kind of an abrupt ending for this chapter but I'm tired.😩😴😴.
I'll update either tomorrow, or the next day.


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