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Mineta: So you gay...?
Kirishima: Uh yeah is that alright or do you have a problem?
Mineta: Well if your dating Bakugou then your being fooled.
Kirishima: What do you mean? Fooled?
Bakugou couldn't hear us cause he was yelling at Midoriya, but I wasn't going to bring him into this.
Mineta: I'll see you in training.
He waves me off,
Kirishima: Wait what do you me-
Bakugou: Cmon Kirishima.
He takes my hand and we go sit on the floor together doing whatever, I still can't believe this is real. Who knew I would be with him.
Kaminari: *Gasp
Oh no...
Kaminari: Oh my god it happened!
He holds his face in his hands and starts making kissing noises, but all I do is laugh.
Bakugou:Fuck Off Kaminari!!!
He goes on the chase Kami but I stop him.
Aizawa: Ok students to say we are going to fight against one another for training, now the pick will be random so be prepared for anyone.

*at the arena

Aizawa: Now today Allmight will be helping train...
All I can hear is Midorya freaking out over Allmight.
Aizawa: Bakugou-Shoji, and Kirishima- Sero.
Sensai Aizawa then pulls out a paper that says 3 so team number three... uh isn't that Todoroki and Midoriya.

*after training

Kirishima: Ow!
Bakugou: What!?
Kirishima: Just sore...
We are walking home from school and I'm thinking about bringing up what Mineta said about him.
Kirishima: So... Suki...
Bakugou: Suki?
Kirishima: Oh sorry no nicknames?
Bakugou: No just surprised.
After the couple of months I've known him he had become more calm, at ease.
Kirishima: Mineta had said something about you...
He started to look defensive.
Bakugou: What!? What did that little shit say?!?!
Should I drop it? No he needs to know this!
Kirishima: He said you were tricking me.
He looked at me and grabbed both of my wrist and looked at me in the eyes.
Bakugou: I'm not gonna lie to you because I love you and don't want to loose you...
He started tearing up. I've never seen him cry before, so I put my hand over his mouth and look at him sincerely.
Kirishima: Look... I can see you don't want to talk about is so tell me when your ready.
I move my hand and smile at him. Then he gives me a hug and cry son my shoulder. I'm lucky to have him.
Kirishima: Cmon lets go to my house and we'll chill.
Bakugou: Yeah!
Then he smiles and we go.

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