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Deku's POV
I ran to the men's room and puked my guts out. Kacchans arms looked bad...

*time skip

I walk home by myself, and when I walk in my mother gives me a big hug and a mother's kiss to go with it.
Inko: How was your day Izuku?
She was very happy but then concern crossed her face.
Inko: Izuku, what's wrong?
I feel like I should say something but I don't want to make Kacchan mad, fuck it... wait did I just curse?
Midoriya: Mom a friend of mine has something wrong with him... what do I do?
Inko: What do you mean?
Midoriya: He... he hurts himself.
She covers her mouth shocked.
Inko: Izuku who is it?!? As a mother I need to know!
I can't tell her.
Midoriya: I can't tell you, but you can tell me what I need to do.
Inko: If your not gonna tell me, then go talk to his parents.

Bakugous POV
I walk home with Kirishima. Then we arrive at my house.
Kirishima: Bye I l-
I pull him onto me and we make out on the side walk. His plush lips against mine and his soft red hair. I don't want to loose him so I embrace him. My dysphoria is saying kill yourself but this is who I love, I need him, I want him.

Kirishimas POV
I go and tell him good bye but to be pulled onto him. I was surprised but I didn't let go. His soft face in my hands and then to go down to his hips. People are staring but I don't fucking care. I hear the occasional go get a room, or go home you fags. But I don't care. Then we pull away and he's blushing.

Bakugous POV
Bakugou: *huff Wow!
He's smiling like wild.
Kirishima: That was pretty gay.
Bakugou: Only for you.
I grab his chin to give him a good bye kiss and we part ways. I watch him walk away dazed
I turn around and see my mom at the door smirking.
Bakugou: MOM!!!!
Mitsuki: Haha grabbing ass
Bakugou: Fuck you!
She hit me on the back of the head jokingly. I love her.

Deku's POV
I need to get to his house and talk to his mom.

*time skip

Okay I'm at the front door, just knock Izuku!
*knock knock
Mitsuki: Coming!
Bakugous mom opened the door.
Mitsuki: Izuku What a surprise! Come in and eat with us!
Oh I just wanted to tell her... about Bakugou.
We go and sit at the table and I just look around.
Mitsuki: Something wrong?
Midoriya: Oh no just this place hasn't changed one bit... Oh I mean that in a good way!
She laughed and told Bakugou there was a guest.
Bakugou: Deku?
Midoriya: Hi Kacchan!
I wave and realize that he seems really happy.
Mitsuki: Isn't he just so precious when he smiles!'
Bakugou: Shut up!!
He goes and plops down beside me.

Bakugous POV
I should tell her
Bakugou: Guess What everybody.
Everyone looks up at me.
Mitsuki: Hm?
Bakugou: Principal Nezu found me a therapist...
I wanted to fucking die this is embarrassing!
Mitsuki: Will this cost money?
I shake my head no.
Bakugou: She uh she works for free...
Mitsuki: Oh my god this is great!
She started tearing up.
Bakugou: I'm gonna go eat in my room.
She waves me off.

Deku's POV
Therapist? So he's gonna get help, well that's great!
Mitsuki: So what do you want to talk to me about Izuku?
She looks up at me.
Midoriya: Oh um I actually just forgot with all the good news.
Mitsuki:Listen Izuku, I know about his... um you know, and I was actually looking into a therapist so there's no need to warn me. But thank you so much for worrying about him.
I nodded and when we finished dinner she gave me a hug and thanked me for staying.
Mitsuki: Come again any time!
Midoriya: Of course!
We wave good bye and I head home, maybe I don't need to worry about him?

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