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Kirishimas POV
I wake up with a killer headache, and to make it worse yelling.
Bakugou: Shut up stupid nerd!
Todoroki: Name calling? How immature.
Bakugou: Oh I'll show you imma-
Midoriya: Come on guys let's not fight!
I look over and see Midoriya in the hospital bed beside me watching Todoroki and Bakugou having a heated argument.
Kirishima: Can you guys stop yelling!
Everyone looks over at me.
Bakugou: Ejiro!
Bakugou comes over and hugs my neck it's kinda painful but I'll let him have his way.
Kirishima: What's going on?
Todoroki: You've been out for about a week.
A week!
Midoriya: Yeah you took a serious hit to the head, we're glad your awake.
That explains the headache...
Bakugou: I've missed you so much!
Suki gently kisses my cheek.
Kirishima: I've gotta get out of this bed.
Bakugou: Oh no you don't!
But I get up and fall back down dizzy.
Kirishima: Ow!
Bakugou: You just woke up there's no where for you to go!
Kirishima: How about the restroom?!
Midoriya snickers quietly.
Midoriya: Shoto can you get me a snack from down stairs?
Shoto? Why did he call him that? Todoroki leaves the room.
Kirishima: Shoto?
He looks over at me and smiles.
Midoriya: You call your boyfriend Suki I call mine Shoto.
Bakugou started making a gagging noise.
Kirishima: *gasp congratulations! When did this happen!
Midoriya: About a week ago, in front of everyone!
Todoroki comes back with some chips and has already open the bag and has eaten a few.
Todoroki: Zuku.
He smiles and gives him the bag partially helping him eat because he broke an arm.
I look back a Bakugou:
Kirishima: Restroom!
Bakugou: Ok jeez!

* time skip
I've been seen by multiple people today, but not one was my mother. Why can't she be accepting. She's not even religious!
Bakugou: Mmmmmmm...
I look down and Suki is next to me sleeping, he's so peaceful when he's asleep.
Dr. Ross: Excuse me Ejiro, your mom has come  to see you.
Kirishima: Uh... send her in.
I was hesitant. She immediately walked in and looked disgusted.
Kira: This is what liking boys gets you. They make you do crazy things!
Kirishima: Mom, this is my job, I'm gonna become a hero! It's my duty.
She couldn't argue with that.
Kirishima: Why did you come here anyway?
Kira: Can I not see my own son?
Kirishima: Oh I thought about a week ago you told me I wasn't your son!
Kira: You know what I meant!
Bakugou: Mm
He was waking up.
Kirishima: Mom please go.
Kira: No I'm your mother!
Bakugou lifted his head to look groggily at her.
Bakugou: Kira leave.
He said it calmly, if she didn't leave he would loose it.
Kira: Shut the hell up!
He jump out of the bed ready to attack.
Bakugou: You little!
I got out of bed to falling to my knees, I wasn't strong enough to stand on my own. When I fell Suki was right by my side trying to help me up.
Kira: Get away from him!
She was coming at him with a pounding fist on his back.
Kirishima: Get out!!!
Dr. Ross: What is all this commotion?!
He saw my mother attacking Bakugou.
Dr. Ross: Call security!

*time skip
In a few minutes she was off of Katsuki and escorted to the police station.
Kirishima: Katsuki...
I was crying.
Kirishima: A-are you okay?
He picked me up with ease considering I was taller than him and put me on the bed.
Bakugou: I'm fine.
At that moment Todoroki and Midoriya are walking in. They went for a 10 minute walk and were just getting back. More like stroll for Midoriya.
Todoroki: Who was that yelling woman?
I hesitated to tell them.
Midoriya: Kirishima, are you okay?
Bakugou: God you two shut up!
Kirishima: It's okay Suki... that was my mother...
Midoriya: What happened?
Kirishima: She's not accepting of me and Suki.
Todoroki: What a shame, don't worry my father isn't accepting of mine and Zuku's relationship either.
To be honest it did make me feel better.
Kirishima: Good night guys.
They all said goodnight and Bakugou gave me a kiss and fell right back asleep.

*time skip
The night was crazy, I couldn't sleep...Bakugou woke me up.
Bakugou: Kirishima get up!
Kirishima: Wha-
Someone picked me up and it wasn't Bakugou. I turned my head and it was Todoroki putting me in a wheelchair.
Kirishima: What's going on?!
Modoriya was up and about to cry, but he was smiling.
Todoroki: Here you go.
Next there was a knock on the door and all of my class mates walked in either cry or jumping with joy.
Kirishima: Suki?

To be continued...
Hehe left you on a cliff hanger, by my gaybies!

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