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Bakugous POV
I was thinking about how I should ask Eji when I got a call...
Bakugou: It's Kirishima!
Oh shit something bad happened.
Bakugou: Babe what's wrong?!
Kirishima: Can I-I stay t-the night with y-you?
He was crying.
Bakugou: Of course where are you?!
Kirishima: I'm right outside of my house.
I could hear his mother yelling in the back ground.
Bakugou: Don't worry I'm coming!

*time skip
I drive up to his house and see him in the side walk. I run out and hug him.
Bakugou: Cmon, lets go home.
I walk him to the car.
Kirishima: I'm s-sorry!
Bakugou: Why are you sorry?
Kirishima: It's late... I woke you up didn't I?
Bakugou: I may not be wearing my binder but I wasn't asleep.

*time skip

We were at the house and getting ready for bed, then all of a sudden we got an alert from Aizawa.
Bakugou: What the fuck!
Kirishima: There's an attack! We need to go!
I was already changing into my suit.
Bakugou: Lets go!

*time skip
Kirishimas POV
We ran out to the scene to see Todoroki, Kaminari, Iida, and Midoriya.
Kirishima: Todoroki! What's the situation!
Bakugou is already off in the fight.
Todoroki:It's Shigaraki! And other villains!
He ran off into the fight and I followed.
Kirishima: Kaminari, to your left!
He was about to get a gruesome blow from a bird like creature, like the one that attack a few months ago at UA.
The scene was insane, all of our people were getting hurt! And I'm not doing my best, I'm still kinda torn up.
Then all of a sudden I hit the ground and I could hear blood gushing from my ears. It was blurry and all I could see were figures in the city lights.

Bakugous POV
He was hit bad, but I quickly took out that thing and ran toward my beloved.
Bakugou: Kirishima!!!
I don't think he could hear me!
Bakugou: We need help!!!

I know this one is kinda short but I have gmas and other shit to do. So I'll leave you gaybies on a cliff hanger.

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