Chapter 1

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My name is Troye Sivan Mellet and I am gay and an aspiring singer. I have a beautiful boyfriend whom I love very much.

Chapter 1

I was sitting on the lounge at my boyfriend's flat waiting for him to finish getting ready so we can head out to dinner. My boyfriend Connor Joel Franta was in his bathroom still doing his hair.

I pulled my phone from my pocket so I could check the time and I see that if we don't leave soon then we will miss our booking. I yell out to Connor to hurry up as we will be late as he walks out of the bathroom. I turn to him and say "about time Con let's go". He looks at me and says "I haven't finished yet give me a chance". I look at him and say "you look ready to me". I can see his face and he is angry and he yells at me "well I am bloody well not and if you don't quit then we won't go out tonight". I turn to him and say "fine then I am going home". I storm out of his flat and just start walking back to my flat. You see my family live in Australia and I am in America trying to get my career started.

I am so cranky that he ruined tonight for us that I don't return home straight away, I want to walk for a bit to clear my head. As I was walking along I come to a lane way that leads down to the beach. I turn down there and start to cross over but I didn't see a car coming up and he slams into me and my body gets thrown at least 1 meter away. My body hits the road pretty hard and then my head does when I fall onto the road. I groan in pain and try to get up but I can't and I black out from all the pain.

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