Blossomed Hearts - part 1

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Guri and Yuzu were childhood friends throughout their young lives but they both had feelings for one another but were unsure how they would confess their feelings for each other... So both Guri and Yuzu were in the same class and year in school, and they carried on their school classes till the end of the day//

Yuzu was ready to go home but Guri was still writing down the homework they had to do.. "Guri-chan, are you ready to go home, I have to be home as my mother will kill me!" Yuzu said in a hurried tone as she was looking at the clock and it read 4:02 pm... Guri put her pen down and looked up at a worried Yuzu and spoke up "Mō,Mō Yuzu-chan, please calm down I am done now and we can go" Guri said huffing as she hated to be rushed when she is tired.

Yuzu then sighed and said "Gomenasai, Guri-chan! I don't mean to rush you.. you know what my mother is like when I am late home" Yuzu said sadly. Guri just looked at her sad best friend, who secretly had a crush on just stood up and kissed her lightly on her lips and then walked rapidly to the door and pulled a winky face at Yuzu who was now blushing intensely at what just happened.

Yuzu walked slowly towards the door holding her bag tightly and walking with a red blush crossed her face, she couldn't believe that Guri kissed her, after all this time as they were best friends for a long time... Guri finally allowed her cupid ways to win the blushed Yuzu over...

(What will happen next? check out the next chapter) Arigato (^^)

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