Blossomed Hearts - part 2

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Both Yuzu and Guri were at Yuzu's house playing games together as it was the school break, Guri won for like the thousand time and pouting Yuzu  folded her arms and said: "Zuruidesu Guri-chan, can't you let me win for once!" Yuzu said fed up. Guri stopped gloating and looked down at the pouting Yuzu and stopped smiling and pulled a sad face and leaned down kissing Yuzu on her head and then said softly "Gomenasai, Yuzu-chan shall we stop playing for a while and do something we are both good at doing" Guri then grinned at her thought of spying and making more Yaoi/Yuri couples. Yuzu then stopped pouting and looked up at a grinning Guri and blushed a little and spoke "Hai, that sounds fun! what we going to do Guri-chan" Yuzu propped up herself and stood up placing her hand on Guri's and smiles. Guri felt Yuzu's hand on hers and blushed a little and looked at Yuzu's green eyes which were staring at her with love. "Well you might have of change my mind on what we should do, Yuzu you naughty" Guri smirked at Yuzu who was now blushing even more than before. But before Guri made her move on Yuzu a reminder ping on her phone startled them both in their moment, Guri then slid her phone out of her pocket and read "注意:訪問..セバスチャンサングレイブ" Guri then started to tear up and showed the phone to Yuzu who started to tear as well.. "W-well, Yuzu-chan let's go and visit my Sebby-san and then we shall continue our little moment," she said a little disheartened but smiled a little. Yuzu sniffled and just nodded shyly and sadly at Guri...

(At the Cemetery) - Sebastian(Guri's deceased boyfriend) Died in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan .. was killed in a hit and run.. 2 years ago) 

Guri and Yuzu were at the cemetery and then came across Sebastian's grave where both of the girls broke down in front of the grave and sobbed out "Anata ga inakute sabishī Sebby-san" both of them placed the beautiful white and pink sakura flowers in front of his grave and then looked at both each other and then Guri said slowly "Let's do this for him Yuzu-chan" Yuzu just looked up at Guri and sniffled loudly.. "G-guur.." but as soon as Yuzu said her name Guri kissed Yuzu passionately crying inside the kiss hoping Sebastian can see us and Yuzu just cried more and kissed Guri back passionately...

(they finally confessed their love for one another... for guri's deceased lover)

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