Chapter Thirteen

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My nerves kick into overdrive as I exit my last class at 11:50. I bite my lip as I make my way across campus to Elvis' office. I really wasn't sure what I was going to find when I got there, but I was really hoping that my gut feeling was wrong about why he was acting strange. A few minutes later, I arrive on the second floor of the faculty building, my stomach tied into knots as I make my way towards the end of the hall. I stop near his door, seeing that it's closed. That meant that he was either alone, or had a student in there. If he had a student, his door shouldn't be closed, that was against the rules. Granted, he'd shut the door when I was in there, but I was considered his assisstant and it was acceptable for him to shut the door with me in there. Sure. Keep telling yourself that 'Ris.

I step up to the door and press my ear against it, straining to listen. I hear the soft giggle of a female student, "You're such a great kisser! I can't believe we're actually doing this." I shut my eyes, disappointment washing over me. I knew it.

"Honey, you gotta keep your voice down. Nobody can know you're in here with the door shut. I could get into some real trouble!" Elvis says. I take a deep breath, pause for a moment, then knock lightly on the door. I hear him hush her, "Just a moment!" I step away from the door, trying to calculate what I would say. Should I even mention it? Or play dumb for now? I hear the lock on the door click and the door opens slowly. Elvis pokes his head out, "Sorry I was havin' a meetin' with a student, and I-." He trails off when he sees that its me, "I thought your class got over at one?"

I shake my head, trying my best to keep a solid face, "Did I say one? I meant noon." I clear my throat and look into his guilt-ridden eyes, "If this isn't a good time, I can always come back later, professor." I emphasize my last word, staring hard into his eyes.

Slowly he pulls the door open more for me to step in, "No, come on in. I was just finishin' up with a student." I step into the room and lock eyes with the curvy blonde sitting at his desk. A mix of anger and jealousy washes over her face. Elvis walks past me and sits at his desk, "This is my assisstant, Marissa. She's helpin' me out with lesson plans and gradin', since she was Mann's best student." The girl nods, her eyes staying trained on me. I keep a cool face as Elvis shifts uncomfortably, "Anna, I'm sorry to cut our meetin' short, but I really should get to work."

The girl stands up, fixing her messily buttoned sweater as she leaves the room. I walk behind her, shutting the door once she's gone. I keep my back turned to Elvis, tears springing to my eyes. I flick the lock on the door and turn towards him, "I just want you to know that I heard what was going on in here." I watch his face flush as he rises from his desk. "You lied to me, Elvis. You told me you weren't going to hurt me, two days ago. But here we are." Tears spill from my eyes as I look to the floor, "I trusted you! Is this how you treat every girl?" He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "I don't want to hear it. I'm going home. I think we're finished here." I flick the lock again, pull the door open, and make my way down the hall. I can't believe I let him use me like that.

I hear him step out into the hallway, "Marissa, wait!" I tighten the straps on my backpack and begin to walk faster as I hear him coming down the hall after me. "Please!"

I shake my head and clear my throat, wiping tears as they spill down my cheeks, "Email me if you need to get ahold of me."

Just as I step through the door of the stairwell, he grabs my arm and pushes me against the now closed door. He presses his lips against mine and kisses me desperately. I push him off of me and slap his face as hard as I can. "Leave me alone, Elvis. This won't work on me." I look into his pleading eyes and shake my head, "You're a cheater and that's not going to work for me. I will be your assistant for the remainder of the semester, but nothing more. Please email me a time to meet with you, but otherwise, leave me be."

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