3. Hurricane

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Clark had watched the coast guard ships disappear behind them awhile ago, and as the yacht moved further out to sea her hope of being rescued disappeared along with them. She couldn't believe the coast guard had let them get away.

"Ships not half bad, Henry. I might consider buying it off you. Can't believe we beat the coast guard."Sebastian popped open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Glistening bubbles ran down his hand and dripped off his elbow onto the perfectly white carpet below.

"Stop getting that on the carpet, asshole!" Henry snapped."You don't have enough money to buy this ship and I'd never sell it to you. This is my retirement plan." Henry patted the wheel with affection.

Clark felt the ship rock back as he slowed to a more casual speed and Sebastian proceeded to fill two glasses with the pale golden liquid. He handed a glass to Henry and took a big victory gulp.

"What's so special about this boat anyway? Besides, I know I've got the cash to buy anything now that those two dump bastards went and got themselves killed. So we get twice the cut." Sebastian put it so crudely that it angered Henry.

"One of those bastards was killed by you." He reminded the asshole. Sebastian laughed before taking another drink.

"I'm not really interested in your boat. I'm on the market for private islands." He told Henry. Sebastian took another big gulp of his drink and suddenly his eyes shifted onto Clark. She stiffened when their eyes met.

"Oh right, your still here." Sebastian grinned. "I'm going to take care of the woman. You enjoy your champagne. I'll be back in a bit." Sebastian told Henry and stalked off towards her.

"You're not going to kill her, are you? I think there's been enough of that today." Henry's remark gave Clark a little hope.

"Relax you, saint, I'm just going to lock her up in one of the rooms for safekeeping. Never know, we might want her later." Sebastian's comment had Clark confused. They had gotten away, what more could they need from her. Quite frankly she was surprised this Henry guy had stood up for her. She was sure Sebastian was going to shoot her and toss her lifeless body into the ocean.

Suddenly a flash of light, followed by the loudest roll of thunder she had ever heard caught their attention.

"Where did that come from? The sky was clear not that long ago!" Sebastian yelled, in a panic.

"It's a storm and it's coming in fast. I think it could be a hurricane." Henry informed his partner. Clark couldn't believe her eyes as she watched both the sky and water turn an emerald green. Clark had never seen a hurricane before, but that seemed even more ominous than the approaching storm.

"We're not actually going into that!" Sebastian yelled at Henry.

"We have to, we can't go back!" He reminded Sebastian. As the ship moved closer to the storm the water got choppier, causing the ship to bob in the wake while tossing its passengers and contents. It was all Clark could do to stay sitting upright, tied up like this. The lighting was constant. Some of the stricks were a little too close for comfort, as they would cause the lights to flicker.

The yacht suddenly hit a big wave and threw her into the air. She came down hard against the floor, landing on her shoulder. She cried out in surprise when she heard the sound of glass breaking. She then noticed the bottle of champagne laying broken on the floor with a trail of yellow leading up to it. Sebastian had fallen onto his ass and was extremely pissed off

"Watch what your doing, dipshit! That threw me onto the floor!" Sebastian's outrage wasn't helping anything.

"Sit down and find something to hold onto!" Henry ordered. Clark's attention shifted back to what was happening outside. She gasped out loud when she saw a wall of water coming at them, that blocked off their entire field of vision. She was skeptical that they would make it as their ship started to lean back at an incline that she was sure would cause the ship to tip back on itself. To her surprise, the yacht glided up over the wave and leveled out ontop.

The feeling of relief was short-lived as the ship was launched off the top and began to free fall. Her body floated weightless inside the ship for a couple of moments as they helplessly plummeted towards the sea. They hit the ocean and water engulfed the front of the ship, that was the last thing she saw before her impact with the windshield.

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