10. A Letter to the King

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To his Royal Majesty, King Charles II

It is my deepest regret to inform you that your fleet, under my command has just suffered a thorough defeat at the hands of our Dutch enemies. The men I placed at watched, drank, and slept while our enemy snuck aboard and either captured or killed all of our men. The Dutch took possession of all our ships except for a few that were destroyed and one that the cowardly traitors used to escape. Our flagship, the Royal James, which when was last seen was engulfed in flames and believed to have sunk.

I am proud to inform you that it took only one night for your remaining men to gather themselves and defeat their captors. We have escaped and repossessed of all of your captured ships.

I am sending one of your ships directly to you in London, along with this letter and sixty-five men in need of rest. I, myself will take my eight remaining ships and the hundred and thirty remaining men to Margate, where we will await your instruction.

God save the King.

Your humble servant,

Sir Admiral
Edward Montagu

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