13. The First Flight of the Phoenix

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The sun had just begun to rise in the eastern sea. The first little bit of light illuminated the cove they had just sailed away from. Kirkland looked out at the fishing vessels bobbing up and down in the water around them. He took in a deep breath of the fresh salty air as he turned to observe his crew.

Bram the fisherman had taken to his new position well. Of course, fishing was what he had done before he joined his crew so it was no surprise that he would fair well. Already this morning he had caught three hulking fish. Kirkland had no idea what species they were, nor did he care as long as they were edible.

"How's it going over here?" Kirkland asked him as he approached. "Got everything you need?"

"Alls fine here, captain. We've got everything we could possibly need and more." Bram told him.

Kirkland watched him cast out his net again and let it drag by the ship for sometime before he began to pull it back up. Kirkland decided to give him a hand and before long they had another giant fish flopping around on the deck. Titania hadn't lied, he really was a good fisherman. This set Kirkland a little at ease at least his crew would never have to go hungry with him around.

Bram began to unwrap the net and tossed his fresh catch into a barrel he had set up for this exact purpose.

"What are those?" Kirkland pointed to the barrel.

"Tuna." Bram tossed his net back into the sea.

"I'll leave you to it." Kirkland patted Bram on the shoulder as he turned to leave. Kirkland approached the helm of the ship and climbed the steps.

"Ah, Captain." Joseph smiled at him as he leaned up against the ship's railing.

"What brings you over here?" Joseph asked as he looked out over the horizon.

"Just checking in," Kirkland told him as he tipped his hat to block the sun out of his eyes.

"Everything is fine here, Captain. There's a breeze but it won't last long. At this rate, we will make it to Margate in about a week or two." Joseph told him.

Kirkland turned to watch the three boys check the ropes on the last rowboat. Aaron and Hugo were fairing better than Arthur was.

"You said you were a cannonier, correct?" Kirkland turned back to Joesph.

Joseph perked right up, "I was."

"I have something I would like you to see." Kirkland turned to look over in Aaron, Hugo, and Arthur's direction. "Boys, come over here!"

They turned to look at him before each other, then rushed over to where he was standing.

"Yes, Captain?" Aaron asked.

"Aaron, have you ever sailed a ship before?"

His eyes widened. "No, sir."

"Well, today is when you start. Take over for Joseph." Kirkland told him.

Aaron's face whitened. "Are you sure, Captain? What if I hit something?"

Kirkland looked out around the ship. There was nothing on the horizon and the fishing boats were slowly disappearing behind them.

"I think you'll be fine." Kirkland patted the kid twice on the shoulder.

Joseph moved away from the helm and Aaron grasped the wooden wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white.

Kirkland chuckled. "Relax." He turned towards the steps. Joseph followed but the two younger brothers didn't.

"Are you two coming?" Kirkland called them.

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