Chapter Seven

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"Where have you been?!" My mom asks me as I come into the house

"Oh we all crashed at Lyrics" I nod "Sorry, I was gonna call but- we were partying and"

My mom sighs, "I was worried"

"I know I'm sorry" I nod "But guess what?"

A smile creeps onto her face as she sees me smile, "What?" She arches an eyebrow

"I JUST GOT SIGNED BY RISE RECORDS!" I throw my hands up, then cover my face squeezing then her eyes widen

"That's great sweetie!" She takes me into her arms "I'm so proud of you!"

"And look!" I dig in my pocket pulling out the fifty thousand dollar check

"That's how much I make in a fucking year!" She laughs, hugging me again

"What's going on?" My dad asks coming out of the bathroom

"Our daughter got signed by a record label!" My moms eyes start to tear up

"Holy fuck" my dad pushes my shoulder "I'm so fucking proud of you Mandy"

"Guys" I sing, then laugh

"That's fucking huge" my dad smiles "Your gonna be a rock star!"


That night I leave for Florida, my mom and my sister drive me, deciding they have nothing else to do. On the way we discuss my record deal as well as how I'm gonna balance tour and college. Maybe I'm gonna have to quite modeling. I do all the plane check ins, and security, then the plane ride itself is pretty empty, but smooth. When we land, I claim my luggage, then meet my escort Diego.

"Hello" he smiles at me

"Hi, I'm Amanda" I offer my hand, which he gladly shakes, then we go out to his car, and drive to the little hotel on the beach "Are you hungry?"

"Kinda" I shrug

"After check in, we'll go get Taco Bell or something" he says

Then he checks in, and we take our luggage to the sweet, which just like the one in Texas has two rooms, but this one is even bigger and nicer then the last, as well as it has super beautiful windows that look out into the ocean.

When I wake up, I sloppily get dressed, since I'm just going to change anyway. I throw my hair up in a bun, then me and Diego walk from our apartment to the beach it's on, but we don't go down to the shore. Instead we venture to a small hut where models are getting there hair and makeup down. I wait about twenty minutes for my turn, then eventually I start getting my makeup done.

"I'm just gonna go with a golden look" she tells me "The outfits you will be wearing today are going to be mostly yellows, and whites. Plus since it's a hot day today, so the golden look will shine awesomely."

"Okay I trust you" I giggle and so does she, then she gets to work

"So what made you become a model?"

"Actually I had no interest in modeling what so ever" I laugh "My friend Alysha and I got our nails done, then after she was like, 'wanna go to a modeling shoot with me?' So I thought it'd be cool to see what she does for a living. Then we got there, and the agent asked me to model with her, and it was a lot of fun, then he became my agent a few days later"

"Yeah" she nods "Modeling would be fun, because you get to travel and all that, but I'd never have any interest in it"

"I didn't think I would either" I admit with a small laugh

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