Chapter Nine

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The next two days were so painful to wake up. Wednesday I went to school on only a little bit of sleep; thank god since it's college classes start later, but it was still offal. Then I went to band practice after school, and stayed till twelve! It's Thursday now, I didn't go to the gym today since band practice starts at one.

"Hey guys" I smile, walking into the room, right away we get set up. We've been more serious lately, ready to get into it! We'd be playing all weekend long too, if it wasn't for modeling. Sucks that I'm gonna let Randy down when I start tour. My dad will be so disappointed that I don't even make it through first semester of college.

I pick up my guitar, fingers already sore from the previous days of labor. We begin playing, and I have so much determination to finish this song. Band practice started early today because my plane for Canada leaves at eight, so I'm driving there at six. It's so hard to focus though, because Grim is playing drums and it's so off with everything else.

"You mind if we finish the song, then you do drums after?" I ask

"Yeah I guess" he rolls his eyes, getting up and getting water

I pick out the rest, hitting the perfect notes then my eyes light up, and I screams, "I got it!"

"Let me hear it" Grim smiles

I shred the shit out of the electric, making weird faces, biting my lip, but really getting it. Then I finish, and he and Lyric hug me. Me and Grim pair it together, then we only have about thirty seconds left of the sing to complete. While we're doing it Lyric comes up with something sick to pair with it. Then eventually we wrap up the entire song, ending with a flare of harmonics at the end.

"Now can I play?" Max grumbles

"Yeah sorry" I smile small, so he sighs and lets it go, then we play and he tries to figure out something, so eventually he asks us to stop so he can focus, so me, Shane, and Lyric go write the next dong while he tries to come up with a beat.

"It's like an explosion of colors within the sky. Millions of fire works in your eyes" I sing it slow, then hold our eyes "When you hold me, only them am I safe. Your scent. Can never be erase"

"I think that's perfect" Lyric smiles "Then we can have the guitar stop and some sick beats on drums"

"Then everything can be added back in and we can have about thirty seconds of instrumental time, then add back in the vocals"

"It can be more of a punk rock song" I nod

"But in that intro there'll be that element of pop punk" I smile

We couldn't think of lyrics though after that, which was bad. Were we just one of those bands with two hit songs? But besides those, were trash? We say for forever brainstorming, until eventually, Max called us over and asked us to play.

So we all did our part, and max added in his, experimenting, trying certain elements. We played the same thing so many times till eventually it got overwhelmingly boring, but the practice was necessary. After a while though, he hit something that sounded absolutely PERFECT. So we played it over and over, he got it right for multiple parts but there was still shit that needed work.

"SHIT!" I shriek

"What?!" Grims eyes go wide

"I'm gonna miss my plane!" I throw my guitar down and rush to grab my phone

"What time is it?!"


I run up the stairs, falling multiple times, but finally making it up, as they follow me, then I hop in my car and speed away. When I get there, I check in as quickly as possible, then go through security. When I finally get passed it all, it's seven fifty, so I call Lyric.

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