Chapter Sixteen

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Julia and I really got the chance to catch up, and I started to get my old friends and life back. It's a shame though, we don't get to talk too much because we go to different colleges, and she lives on Campus. She goes to UC Davis for a Lacrosse scholarship, while I go to Los Po.

Right now though, I'm in LA again for modeling, and I have just landed. When I'm in La, I stay at Andy's which is why I don't need an escort. I claim my bags, then call Andy.

"Hello?" He answers on the very last ring

"Hey Andy" I smile "I just landed in La, can you pick me up?"

"I'll be there in a minute" he says, sounding happy

"Okay thank you" I hangup, then go outside, sitting on a bench

It took way more then a minute, but I didn't mind. I watched the cars go by and sat in the windy, cold, yet refreshing weather. After about half an hour we finally arrived though, but not in his car, in CC's. I run over to the familiar Black, SUV, and throw my bags in the trunk, looking forward to see a full car of all my friends staring back at me.

"Hey Mandy!" Jake squeaks

"Jake!" I giggle

"Hey!" Jinx chirps

"Sup kid" Ashly nods

I close the trunk and run for the door, to immediately be grabbed and dragged into the car. "I missed you!" Ashly exclaims, him and I had gotten pretty clothes

"I missed you too Purdy" I hug him, then as they get going, I turn around in my seat to see, CC and Jinx

"Cc!" I squeal

"Hey!" I reach over the seat, my ass in the air to hug him, then he drags me over as I scream, and I fall into him and Jinx's lap

"Hey" Jinx smiles, then as Cc has both his arms hugging my head, me and Jinx fist bump

"I love you dude" Cc tells me "Your not leaving my arms"

"Fat bet" I giggle and so does the rest of the car

"Hey Mandy" Andy says, then Cc's grip loosens and I escape, sitting up

"Hey Batman Buddy" I smile, then I go to crawl back over the seat, but Cc grabs me by the waist, and pulls me down, then cradles my shoulders against his chest "I would come over there but CC won't let me"

"It's alright" Andy says "Ill give you a hug when we get to my house"

"I'm starving" Ashly whines

"The pizza will be there a couple minutes after we get home"

Andy was wrong, and on the way home we kept getting calls about the pizza

"We'll be there in five minutes" Andy exclaims, then when we get there, the deliver guy hisses

"I expect a fat tip"

Cc pulls out a twenty and the guy's eyes widen, so I pull out another twenty, then so does Jake, and Jinx, and he walks away with way more then he deserved

"That guy looked like he was about to cry he was so thankful" Andy laughs

We set the pizzas down on the table, then Andy collects from fridge, three bottles of soda. We dig into the pizza right away, deciding catching up in the car was good enough. I love this pizza, because every time I have it I remember our movie nights and fun memories of LA. I eat about seven pieces of pizza; which sounds insane, but the rest of these fuckers had like fifteen each. When we're done, we just sit and embrace each others company, watching movies, I have a pillow on Cc's lap and I'm laying my head on it, as he's subconsciously playing with my hair. Then my legs are on Ashly, then Jinx is laying on his shoulder. Andy's on to floor, with his arms up against the couch, resting on CC's leg, and the other on my knee. Then in the Jake is on a bean bag chair from Andy's other living room, that he drug in.

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