Day 1

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I walked down the beach as the sun started to set. There wasn't much for me to do and who knows how long I'm going to be here. I move around a lot. It's not my fault, but being in the witness protection program will do that to you. Why would I make friends when I would just be moved across country again. That's how it was the first few years until I finally stopped opening up.

Hi. My names Marie Summers. Im 20 years old. I was put into WITSEC when I was 16. My father was an alcoholic and beat my mother and I, she died that year, I found her, sitting there, not moving. I was told it was an overdose. I was told she had turned to drugs after my father became abusive, but I was with her every step of the way, and she had never taken anything stronger than Advil. 

"You're going to catch a cold, Mija." My agent called out. I turned to her as the wind blew harder. She was Hispanic and went with me everywhere I went. She was the only constant I had.

"I was just about to come in, Lilly." She was always too worried about me. I walked back up to the house that wasn't a home. None of them were. I moved around too much for a home. This time I was stationed in California. The land of big dreams and small chances. To some people, my life may be considered dangerous, but I try to make the best of it. In doing so, I also distance myself from a lot of people.  

 I begin walking up the concrete steps that lead to my back porch, when I saw a boy, one about the same age as me, walking down the street. He looked like a basic emo teenager, but he was kind of cute.  I shook the thought out of my head. I couldn't get close to someone. It wouldn't end well. My father will find me eventually and I would just be moved again. A new name, a new life, a new home. I couldn't do it again, I couldn't leave someone again. 

I make it inside to see Lilly on the phone. Not a good sign. She looked at me with worry in her eyes. 

"Marie, honey. Go pack a bag." I tilt my head and begin to ask why. "Please. It's important." I nod and begin packing.  I knew it. I had been here too long, he found me. 

"Your father was seen in town asking about you. Your new file is on the counter, you're going to live with someone I know very well. He will take care of you, hide you. In his house, no one is getting in." I stare at the file in confusion. My new name, Allysa Grey. I go into the bathroom and begin the process. I dye my hair a new color, nothing that sticks out. I put in new contacts, and change clothes, a new style. Semi-emo. I hated this. I hated feeling like I'm trapped in a game of cat and mouse. Every time I think I'm almost in the clear, he pops up. 

I pack my bags into the car as Lilly burns what remains of this life. 

"Lilly, where are you going to go?" It wasn't until now that I realize she hadn't mentioned where she would be during all of this. Her face turned to sadness as she looked down. 

"I have to go, Mija. I have to lead him somewhere away from you. We have a plan." I nodded. I understood. We began the long, silent drive to wherever she was taking me. An hour or so later, we pull up to a huge mansion. She opens my door and grabs my bags. 

She knocks on the door, three simple taps. A man with a small beard opens the door. He was cute. I wonder how she knows him. I look up and shake his hand, introducing the new me. Allysa. 

"Hi, I'm Elton, welcome to the traphouse." 



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