Day 12

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"The date went actually really great!" I bragged, "I wasn't expecting what he had planned."

"Did he try to touch you?" 

"I'm not answering that question, Elton." He didn't need to know these things. 

"Well, did he do anything we need to know about?" 

"No, he was a gentleman. There was this one time, though, while we were eating. The waitress gave me a note saying I had some mascara on my cheek, so I went to the bathroom to clean it up and when I got back, Colby was outside on the phone." I told him. "So he comes back in and he was so nervous, like he couldn't concentrate. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he needed to know what was on the note." I giggled, remembering how confused he was when I told him what was on the note. 

"Wait, so he got freaked out over mascara?" Corey asked. 

"Yeah, I mean it wasn't a secret. She didn't want to embarrass me by saying it out loud, but I left the note on the table. He could have read it if he wanted to." I told the two men who managed to break into my room and set up camp. 

"Well. As long as you're happy." Corey announced that he would be going to sleep, Elton agreed and they gave me a hug and each kissed the top of my head. I was so short compared to the guys. I was only 5'3", while they were all giant people. They walked out of my room, leaving me to my thoughts. 

I laid in bed, scrolling on my phone. I was finally allowed to create social media accounts. I had created a twitter, an instagram, and a facebook. I was debating on creating a youtube channel. I wasn't sure about it yet. As I scrolled through my twitter, I saw a retweet from someone, a fan of Colby's. He had tweeted about 15 minutes ago. 

Had such a great time today with someone. Hope they enjoyed it too.

I smiled and blushed to myself. I'm the someone. I decided to tweet as well to mess with him. 

I had a nice day. It was definitely one for the books. Couldn't think of a better first date. 

I didn't tag anyone, but I knew he was following me, so he would see it on his feed. I plugged my phone in, setting an alarm so I would wake up early tomorrow. I had a few errands to run. After a few moments, I fell asleep. 

I woke up to my alarm going off. I was excited to do everything I had planned. I jumped out of bed, making sure not to be too loud. I grabbed my towel, running to the bathroom to get a shower. I washed my hair and shaved my body, making it as smooth as possible. I got out, wrapping my towel around my body and running straight to my room. I put on a pair of shorts and a pretty shirt that I got from Corey. I brushed my hair and dried it, my curls flowing down my back. I grabbed my wallet and my phone and walked downstairs. I ordered an Uber and waited.

When it finally showed up, I hopped in the backseat and said hello. He began driving, taking me to the destination I had set. 

I hopped out of the car and walked into the office. 

"Hello, how may I help you today?" The lady asked. 

"I'd like to purchase a vehicle." I told her. She nodded, asking what vehicle. "A truck, what's the best one you have?"

She asked another associate to give me a tour of their trucks, telling me the best features of each one. After about 7 trucks, I found the one. A Chevy Silverado. She was white, perfect for LA, where it is so hot. There was a bunch of cool features, but I was in love with this truck. I got all of the paperwork signed and paid, within an hour, I had bought the truck. It was the first vehicle I had ever had. I wonder what the boys were going to think of it. They all had cars, I would be the only one in the house with a truck. I made my way out of the parking lot in my brand new truck. 

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