Day 2

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"Hi, I'm Elton." The man, Elton, smiled. He seemed nice, but that just isn't something I'm used to. I smiled politely and looked over to Lilly. 

"Lilly, a word?" We walked away from Elton and I began, "How do you know him? How is this a safe place for me? If he was seen walking in the streets, shouldn't I leave?" 

"He's my nephew. I've known him since he was born, he's a good man. You'll see, the people here will protect you, and that is exactly why you aren't leaving. He will expect you to leave once he gets close. It's your MO. He'll never expect you to hide in plain sight." I nodded. 

"People? There's more than Elton?" She nodded and began to walk back to the man. 

"Hello Allysa. My aunt told me everything she said I was allowed to know." He rolled his eyes, I however, widened mine. She told him things about me. I asked what he knew. "Just that you're in need of a place to stay, and that we should protect you." I nodded. So he doesn't know the full story. Just the basics of it. 

"Thank you for allowing me to stay here, Elton. I truly appreciate this, and sorry for advance. I'm quite annoying, or so your aunt constantly tells me." I smile shyly and glare at  Lilly. 

"You're very welcome. Would you like to see your room?" I nod and Lilly hugs me as she leaves. I grab her and hug her tighter. She was the mom I had lost, and now she's leaving. I can't be mad, she's just trying to put that monster behind bars again. 

My father was arrested for abusing my mother and I. He was also found with many unpaid tickets and lots of DUI's. I was the one who had him arrested, he was the reason my mother was gone. He was found not guilty, the judge was a friend of a friend, and was let go.  The police department immediately put me in Witness Protection and I've been on the run the whole time. The thing about the judicial court system is that once you're found not guilty of whatever crime you have committed, they can't try you again. Luckily, the police found new, incriminating evidence that is sure to put him away. This time, unlike last, he wont get out for a long time. They just have to catch him first. 

You would think with the fact that he's been chasing me for years, it would be easy to catch him. It isn't. I asked them to use me as bait, but they said he was out to kill me, and they wouldn't risk that. 

"I'm going to miss you, Mija. I'll visit every now and then, but I'm sure you can imagine the level of danger that is. I can't be here. It's not safe. He knows me." I nodded, tears falling down my cheeks, ruining any eye makeup I had on.  

I grab my suitcase and head inside, I knew if I looked back I would only cry harder, so I tried not to. Once inside i shut the door, I looked around. The house was huge. I counted at least three living rooms. Elton took me upstairs and showed me to a room. It wasn't as big as the ones I've had since this started, but it was comfortable, less to have to clean. 

"There's a bathroom in the hall. You'll share it with some of the others, but its clean most of the time." At the mention of the others, I asked where they were. "They are filming an overnight video, they all have YouTube channels. We have 4 roommates. There's Sam, Colby, Corey, and Aaron. 6 of us in total, but there's plenty of room. They shouldn't be back until tomorrow, so you should be alright tonight. You can meet them tomorrow, I'll leave you to get situated. You can find me when you're done." He walked out of the room and I took it in. 

There was a nice queen size bed in the corner, a desk in front of a window looking into what I assume is the backyard, a closet, and a body mirror hanging on the door of the closet. I don't have anything for this room. All I brought was enough clothes to get by. I don't have sheets or pillows or a blanket. I couldn't call and have some delivered, I wasn't allowed to have a phone, or any electronics really. I sighed and started putting clothes away. Once I was done, I set out to find Elton. I looked in the kitchen, nope. The living room, all three of them,  nope. Knocked on all of the bedroom doors, nope. On a last hope, I checked in the garage. and Bingo. He was sitting at a  desk doing paperwork. He looked up when he heard the door open. 

"Allysa, that was quick." I wrung my hands and started to speak. 

"I don't have a bed set." He looked at me, confused. "I didn't bring one. I thought Lilly would be staying, she usually goes out to get the essentials." He looked down at his watch. 

"Well it's late. All of the stores would be closed by now, you can sleep in my room tonight, I'll most likely crash down here, anyways." I began to protest, not wanting to kick him out of his room, but he silenced me. "It's fine, we can go get some stuff for you tomorrow. Lilly says you're not allowed to leave the house, but I'm sure if we go to another town, you'll be safe." I nodded. 

"Thank you, Elton. This is so much that you're doing for me and I can't repay you." His eyes gleamed. Mischief. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a visa card. 

"Lilly gave it to me. It's got a small sum of money on it. She said you can't have a bank account, since it's traceable. This should do. $3,000 a month will be put on it. No one will ever know it's you." I began to cry again. Even when she isn't here, Lilly still manages to make sure I'm taken care of. I nod at him. 

"Lets get you to bed, you get to meet the boys tomorrow. I haven't told them about you yet, just in  case something got messed up. Plus, you can tell them what you want them to know." I was out of thank you's so I just nodded with a smile. He led me to another bedroom and showed me to the bathroom. I showered and washed up with the things that were in there, he said they were his. A towel was left on the counter when I got out. When did he come in? I got dressed and brushed my hair, and laid in the twin bed he had. Why was mine bigger? Lilly most likely. I was asleep in minutes, the events of today taking over and forcing me into a deep sleep. 

"Elton! Woah, you're not Elton." 

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