Day 21

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We were all having so much fun, the water was cold but it was fun. We had already finished the test run, after Elton tried to throw everyone over, and were trying to flip everyone off. Corey wasn't having it, he was throwing others off. At one point, they managed to get Colby off and he swam to a floating pier. It wasn't really a pier, more like a floating square board. He climbed up on the board and started yelling at us. 

"That's okay! I'm the King of this pier!" I giggled and jumped off, swimming towards the board. 

"And I'm the Queen!" I shouted once I was up there. Colby wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in and kissing my temple softly. 

"You'll always be my Queen." He whispered. He didn't have to whisper, no one else would have heard him if he said it in a normal voice, but that was only for me. He wasn't trying to make anyone jealous, or publicize our relationship. He was just showing to me that he cared. 

"I love you." I whispered. He was about to say it back when I pushed him off the board. He hit the water flailing. I saw the boys on the other board laughing and pointing at him, Elton had his camera pointed at him. 

"Did you get it?" I asked him. He gave me a thumbs up before yelling at me to look out. I turned around to see Colby behind me. 

"You shouldn't have done that." He growled. I backed away from him, slowly. He stepped forward and picked me up. He threw me off the board, not giving me time to hold my breath. 

I hit the water almost as hard as he did. I decided to be a little asshole. I kicked underwater and tried to stay down as long as I could. I stayed under for a good minute, but I was running out of air and I had  to go back up. Just as I started kicking up, I felt someone grab me and drag me back up. I was thrown back on the pier board and I looked over to see Colby getting ready to give me the Heimlich. 

"Allysa! Don't scare me like that ever again." I giggled and pulled him to my lips. 

"I didn't mean to." We messed around on the water a little more. I was shivering and cold by the time we finished board surfing. We decided to go to a hotel so we could all get a shower in peace. We only got one room, trying to save money. Elton went first, then Corey, then Sam, then Colby and I. Yes, we went together. Get over it. I washed up and then he did. He was washing my hair when he started to kiss my neck. I pulled away from him. 

"Colby, don't. The boys are right out there. We can't." I told him, pushing him away.

"Just a taste." He crouched down to his knees, looking up at me.

"Maybe later." I pulled him back up, turning off the water. We dried off and got got dressed to join the others. 

"So. I payed for this hotel for the whole night. I don't want it to go to waste. Why don't we play a game? Winner gets the room to themselves." Elton suggested. We all nodded at each other, agreeing to his terms. "So, name of the game is truth or drink. Whoever drinks the least, wins." He told us, pulling out some whiskey and vodka. I shuddered. I hated vodka. We all sat in a circle and got ready to play. 

"Who wants to go first?" 

"I will." I volunteered. 

"Alright, Allysa. How many times have you and Colby had sex since we have been here?" 

"Twice." I blushed. "Corey, when are you and Dev getting married?" I asked him. 

"Mmm." He took a swig of the whiskey. I groaned. 

"Sam, are you gay for Colby?" It went on like this for a while. Everyone asked the hard and funny questions. I was only slightly tipsy, but everyone else was hammered. I was definitely more of an open book than the others. We were almost out of drink, and we were down to the last question. 

"Allysa, last question. I have a feeling you're going to win anyways so, what are you and Colby going to do tonight? Now that you have the room to yourself." I shook my head and looked over at Colby. He was piss drunk. 

"Probably sleep. He looks a little out of it." I answered. I went ahead and drank the last of the whiskey, letting everyone else know the game was over. They all packed up, getting ready to go back to the RV. I helped Colby up to let him get on the bed. The boys said their goodbyes and left us to ourselves. I took off his shoes and started to help him out of his clothes so he could sleep better. 

"Woah, buy me dinner first." He giggled. 

"Oh you are having a field day with this, aren't you." He just giggled a little more. I slipped off my clothes and shrugged on a t shirt. I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arm around me, giving me small butterfly kisses on my cheek. I was loving  this side of him, the loving dove side. He was always affectionate, even in public, but now he was more intense with it. 

"I love you." I whispered to him. I almost thought he was asleep, since he didn't say it back right away, but then I felt him shift to get above me. 

"I love you so much." He whispered back before kissing my lips. 

I kissed him back before gently nudging him off. 

"Ok. You're drunk. Go to sleep." He wrapped around me one more time and fell asleep. It took me a while to fall asleep, it helped that I had a nice, warm, Colby pillow to rest my head on, but for some reason I still couldn't sleep. 

I tried to just lay there and sleep, but it was a dead end. Eventually, after what felt like hours, I finally fell asleep to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. 

I woke up at around 3 in the morning. Colby jumped out of bed, rushing to the bathroom. I heard him retching into the toilet. He drank way too much. 

"Babe, you okay?" I called out to him. Instead of answering, he just gagged into the toilet. He was dry heaving by the time I got up to check on him. 

"Baby, do you need anything?" He was bent over the toilet, holding on for dear life. I rubbed his back gently. 

"Some water would be nice." He groaned out. He started dry heaving immediately after. I stood up, grabbing a bottle of water out of the mini fridge and gave it to him. He took a couple gulps before he leaned back against the wall. 

"Oh, I'm never drinking again." 

"You say that now, but next time Mike comes over with a bottle of whiskey, you're going to be downing it like your life depends on it." He laughed dryly, groaning at the pain in his head. 

"Painkillers, please." I went over to my bag to find any kind of pain killer I had. When I found one, I took it to him, letting him swallow it. 

"You'll be alright, you just need to rest." I helped him back up to the bed, tucking him in. "I'll be right back." I put on some pants and a pair of shoes before looking up an restaurants that were open this late. I found one and hailed a taxi outside. I ordered the food and took it back to the hotel room for him. 

"One super greasy not really breakfast?" 

"Oh, you are a saint." He told me. I gave him his food and that's what we did until we both fell back asleep. We sat there, ate our food, and talked about life. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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