Day 20

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I woke up early enough to get a shower without the boys noticing. The hard part was going to be drying it without waking them up. I decided to just brush my hair out and try to let it air dry. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in the cutest but most appropriate clothes I had. I had to get a cab now. I called up and got one to come pick me up, making sure I had my wallet and my phone. 

"Hi." I gave the driver the address and he took me to the clinic. 

"Hi, welcome to the clinic, do you have an appointment?" 

"Yes ma'am, my name is Allysa Grey." I told her. 

"Alright, if you could just fill this out and wait right here, someone will be with you shortly." I grabbed the clipboard and started to fill everything out. Reason for appointment, possible pregnancy. I had just turned in the clipboard when they called out my name. 

"That's me." I walked to the back, and was led to a room. I sat down on a bed that was covered in paper. The nurse told me that a doctor would be in in just a second and that I should wait.

"Hello, Ms. Grey. I see here on your chart that you suspect you may be pregnant?" I nodded. 

"Yes sir. I had unprotected intercourse, it was my first time." I was nervous about saying these things to a stranger. 

"Well, we can run a simple test and I can let you know." He walked out, going to grab a few things. He came back with a pregnancy kit and another clipboard.

"Alright, I need you to go to the bathroom, pee in this cup and bring it back, we can let you know right now if you should be getting a nursery ready." I grabbed the cup, going to the bathroom next door. When I finished doing what was needed, I walked back into the room and waited. 

The doctor came in, grabbed the sample and walked right back out. I waited about five more minutes before he came back in. 

"Have you had any thoughts of what would happen if you were pregnant?" My heart stopped. 

"Um, I had this dream that I died during childbirth. Other than that, I thought about it. I know that the father would stick around and stay with me. I have a plan if I am, I just didn't think it would happen so soon." I told him. 

"Well, the nurse will be in here soon to give you the results, if you are pregnant, she will also give you recommendations for pediatric resources. I hope for the best." He walked out again, leaving me to my thoughts. 

The nurse came in holding a clipboard. "Ms. Grey, I have good or bad news, depending on how you see it." I started sweating. "Were you hoping for a child?" I shook my head no, I couldn't speak. "Well then congratulations, Ms. Grey. You aren't pregnant." She told me. I sighed in relief, I was so thankful. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have a baby with Colby, but I wasn't ready. I was too young. 

"Thank you." She told me where to go and I left, going back to the RV. The boys were still asleep when I got back, it wasn't surprising. I laid in bed next to Colby and waited on someone to wake up. Now that I had answers, I was relieved that I didn't have to worry about raising a child at such a young age. I felt Colby start to stir next to me. 

"Hey baby. You're back?" His morning voice drifted into my ears. I loved his morning voice. It was so deep and scratchy. 

"Yeah. I'm back." He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck. 

"Well. I have something special planned today. Do you think you would miss the activities today?" I smiled to myself. Only he would be able to make me smile after all of this. 

"I think I could make some changes to my schedule." I smiled at him. 

"Good. I just have to get a shower, then we can go." He went over me, purposely ground against me as he rolled. I rolled my eyes back, grabbing his arm. I kissed him, getting up with him. There wasn't much room in the shower, but we made it work. It wasn't that I needed another shower, but I did need him, and now that I knew I wasn't pregnant, I was very open to whatever he had in mind. 

He made sure not to make the same mistake as last time, but that doesn't mean we couldn't have a little fun. We both got out, getting our towels. We were laughing at each other for what we had just done when he stopped and stared at something behind me. I turned around and saw all the boys sitting at the table. 

"Have fun you two?" Elton asked. I turned beet red and tightened my towel. 

I stared at them, horrified. We didn't make that much noise, did we? 

"Yes you did." Sam said, he had been covering his ears the whole time. I said that out loud? 

"You said a lot of things out loud." Corey shivered. 


"OH YES!" 


"Alright, that's enough you three." Colby scolded them. 

"Oh don't get me started on you." Elton pointed out. He looked at the other two and then, 




"That's enough." I giggled. He didn't say any of that, well except for the 'oh baby' part. 

"Go get dressed, we're going to go get breakfast, we won't be long so please, get dressed." They got up and went to go get food. I grabbed some clothes and started getting dressed. I had just put on a bra and was looking for my underwear, but I couldn't find them. I lifted all of my clothes but I didn't see them. 

"Colby, have you seen my-" He had them. "Colby give me my underwear!" 

"Come and get them." He waved them at me. 

"This RV is small, I doubt you can get away. You're still naked." I looked down. "Very naked." 

"Oh, really? Come on then." And that's how the boys found us 3 minutes later, running around still naked as Colby held my underwear above his head. 

"We told y'all to get dressed!" Elton said as he covered his eyes. Corey covered his and used his height to help me. He snatched Colby's hand and bent it towards me so I could get my underwear. 

"Thank you." I muttered. The boys stepped outside so we could finish getting dressed, I was still mad at Colby for taking my underwear. 

I opened the door and let them know we were dressed. Colby tried to grab my hand, but I softly took it out of his grip. Elton let us know that we were getting ready to head out to our next activity. 

"We're going board surfing." He said as he sat down in the drivers seat of the RV. I sat down at the table and ate the food they brought for us. I tried to ignore Colby's stare, but after a while, I gave in and looked at him. 

"I'm sorry." We said at the same time. I sighed, I didn't want to fight with him. That was just so embarrassing. I grabbed his hand from across the table and laid my head down as he rubbed his thumb against mine. It was a subtle gesture, but it made me feel content. 

We got to a lake that looked clear as glass, the water was truly beautiful. I hoped out of the RV, looking around at all the people in life vests rowing a giant surfboard around. It looked like real fun. 

Elton took us to an older man, he looked like he was the teacher. 

"Hey, you must be the TFIL group." It wasn't a question. "Ready to get started?" 

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