chapter 6- Tragics Happen

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So I'm at home thinking sitting on the couch Trina figure out if Shae really took my money. That's supposed to be my bitch my Day 1 but that goes to show you can't trust everyone. I also realized I haven't heard from mom in a while I know she can be a pain in the ass but that is still my momma gotta always respect the one who carried you for nine months straight. You know that saying don't bite the hand that feed you? Smh it's a shame how I see that shidd everyday. So Im going to ask Jas if she wanna go over there while ha fat ass in the kitchen eating up my food.

" Aye Jas you wanna go to ma house"

" Right now"

" Yes right now"

" Man Yea let's go"


I'm sitting in the car starring out the window scared asf to go and see momma I really hope she doing better. We finally pull up and Aaron looks my way and I nodd my hesd let's go. We walk up to the door and I knock but the door opens what the fuck is goin on.

"maaaa"!!!! I yell out

" Maaaa"!!! I yell again and get no answer

"Maa where you at" no answer


Moms car outside but yet no answer Jas upstairs looking in her room when I hear a loud thump and my sister scream. I get up there and there goes my mom layinh on the floor dead. Why lord ? Why us is all I can ask...






So this is a short up date there will be a chapter 6 continued ..dont forget to vote and comment love yall

- Poetic-no-Justice♥♥♥♥

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