chapter 6 continued

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*JA's POV *

Is it wrong that I don't feel bad about what happened to her? I mean I love my Mimi to death but you can't help nor save someone who don't wanna be helped or saved. The doctors said she O.D which she did but not by herself either. I found a note by her hand and stuck it in my pocket before anyone else could see or get to it.

Note: your momma stole something from me so therefore she owed me some money that she could not pay back. So my boys had to put in action. Since she is dead now her debt now belongs to you. She owed 2.5million dollars have my money or ima start killing y'all off one by one.
P. S- Daddy misses you Aaron the crew misses you when you coming back.

Aaron is not going to like this. This is why I do now feel bad for her it's like she was trying to get herself killed stilling from king. I can't deal anymore.


I miss my momma B but I guess it was time for her to go. My mom was a good mother before she started doing drugs, and before I started trapping. She did everything a good mother was supposed to do she fed us, clothe US, and got everything we needed before she gave us anything that we wanted. Mom was both our mom and dad at the same time because daddy walked out on us and died a few years later due to a car accident. I guess that makes us orphans now but me and my sister can do for ourselves. Right now we're planning her funeral. Mommy would always say to us to "bury me on my stomach so all you muhfuckers can kiss my ass" lol Jasmine was like let's do it with her crazy ass but I wanna do something nice for her she didn't deserve to go out this. So Im going to make sure she go out the right way.

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