Strange determination.

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I stared at him, waiting and wishing for him to laugh and reveal that he was joking, but he just stared, holding out the soap expectantly.

I struggled to form words but managed to squeak out one word. "No."

He raised an eyebrow. "No? It wasn't a question, my rose. I was kind enough to wash you. Now you return the favour to me. It would be rude to refuse."

I stared at him, frozen. I couldn't find the courage to argue. He lifted my hand with his free one and gently placed the soap in it, curling my fingers around the bar. When I didn't make any move to wash him, he smirked and guided my hand to his bare chest.

I forced myself to oblige and tried not to think about my hand touching his chest. Slowly, I lathered the soap onto his skin, focusing intently on the bar of soap rather than his body. He smirked as I worked my way up. I refused to look down, keeping my eyes trained on his upper body and face.

His skin was hard beneath my fingers, and I tried not to think about his toned chest. I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of thinking I thought of him as attractive. It made me feel ill to think that a man so wicked and cruel could appear so outwardly attractive.

He chuckled at me. "Lighten up a little, my rose. Slow down and enjoy the sights."

Despite my best efforts, I felt my cheeks warm, and he smirked, snaking an arm around my hip. I yelped as he pulled me thrush against him. I scrambled to get away and he let me, grinning.

"You've been rather good, my rose, so I'll let that one slide. I do expect you to finish cleaning me, though." He smirked.

I glared at him, anger washing over me. "No." I spat at him, and he gave me a smug look.


I shook my head and squeezed the bar of soap in my hand. "You heard me. I said no. I'm not your slave, and I'm sick of giving in to your sick desires. So no. I am not going to wash you."

He gave me an amused look, but his eyes took on a dark tone. He stepped closer, and before I could make a run for the door of the bathroom he moved around me and left the shower cubicle himself.

"Alright then, my rose. Go ahead and wash yourself. If you're too good to wash me then I suppose I'll leave you to your own devices."

He wrapped a towel around his waist, and before I could question what the hell was going on, he left. I stared at the door for a few moments, my stomach twisting, expecting him to return and scare me any moment. But he didn't. Hesitantly, I stepped back under the flow of water and started to wash myself, trying to rid the memory of his hands running over my skin.

I finished showering and turned the water off, reluctantly getting out. I couldn't help but feel anxious. What was Blake doing? Where had he gone?

I tried not to think about it and reached for a towel, just as I did, though, the door opened and there he was again.

With Gwen trailing behind him.

My heartbeat quickened and I froze. I just caught a glimpse of silver in his hand before he spun me around and gripped my wrists. I yelped, and heard the sound of clicking. When I tried to pull my hands away, I found I couldn't. He'd put me in handcuffs.

"What are you doing?" I whimpered. He just smirked.

"I'm teaching you a lesson, my rose. You don't want to do as I tell you to? Then someone else does."

He pulled me towards the now shut door, and tugged on my wrists, pulling my hands up and hanging the handcuffs from a coat hook above my head. He pulled away, and when I tried to move I found that my hands were bound above my head, and I couldn't do anything more than rattle my wrists. I looked to Gwen, attempting to plead with her to intervene, but she looked away.

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