Chapter 1

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*Isabella's POV

I looked down at my phone, scrolling through twitter before I arrived at my new school. I retweeted a couple of tweets with pictures of Demi Lovato, my hero! I stared at how beautiful she truly is and sighed at how I'll never come close to pretty. I looked up to see my mum waving at me and mouthing words. I must admit, that was a funny sight. I paused my music and took my earphones out of my ears.

"Yes?" I said with a small smirk.

"We are here." my mum sighed.

I got out of the car slowly, looking around at my surroundings.

"I'll see you at 4." Mum said before she drove off.

Whoa! This school is bigger than my old one!

I nervously walked through the school looking at the names on each building.

Science, Language, Cookery, English, Math... Ah! Here we go! Office.

I walked through the doors and saw a buzzer next to a window. I clicked the button and a middle aged man walked in the office wearing a suit.

"Hi, my name is Isabella and I'm quite new here" I said, trying to sound confident.

"Ah yes! Take a seat! I'm Mr Jones, the principal." He replied.

I sat down in a cosy chair while Mr Jones typed something up onto his computer.

"I believe you start school on Monday, Isabella?"

"Yes, I was told to attend today so that I can be shown around and given my timetable." I explained.

Mr Jones typed some more on his computer and printed off a map and my timetable.

"I will show you around now. Here is a map in case you can't find your way around next week and I have your timetable here." The principal handed me the two sheets of paper. "Are you looking forward to starting with us?"

"Yes, it looks amazing!" I exclaimed "It's.. uh... big"

Mr Jones chuckled, "You'll get used to it, don't worry! Follow me."

I followed Mr Jones out of the office and around the school. He told me which subject was in each block. About an hour later, it was over and time to go home.

I walked out of the school and leaned against the gates as I pulled out my phone.

Izzi: 'Mum, I'm ready to be picked up'

Mum: 'I'll be there in 5:)'

Soon enough, my mum came to pick me up.

"How did it go? Was it good?" She asked excitedly.

"Mum, I was only getting my timetable and a small tour.."

"Right" Mum giggled.

We got home within 10 minutes and I went straight to my bedroom and scrolled through twitter. I am a twitter addict! I am only offline if I'm sleeping or out with no WiFi access which is always boring!

Twitter notified me that Demi had tweeted!

@ddlovato: BUSINESS TRIP #Europe?!?

EUROPE?! OMG WHAT?!!! I screamed and opened up the tweet. it was a selfie of her on a plane and... what is that? OMG SHE HAS THE DILMER PILLOW!!! I zoomed into the bottom corner of the picture and tried to make out what the special pillow said.

I couldn't make much of it out, only "our forecast". Damn, Demi.. why is the pillow always three quarters hidden in the pics.

I zoomed back out to admire the whole photo. Damn she is so beautiful and perfect!

"Izzy!" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, sighing at the flawless hero.


My eyes opened wide. Oh no..

I got my earphones and put on my Demi playlist. Somehow, when I listening to Demi while I'm eating, it distracts me.

I strolled down the stairs faking a smile.

"Chicken nuggets and chips on the table." Mum chirped.

"Yummm..." I said with a slight sarcastic tone so that my mum wouldn't catch on.

My mum went into the kitchen to finish preparing her dinner.

I took this opportunity to hide my food.

I grabbed the napkin and put a load of chips and chicken nuggets in it so that my plate was now half full. I placed the napkin in my hoodie pocket for now.

Mum walked back in and her eyes shot open at my plate.

"You finished that quickly"

"Hmm? Oh yeah! I didn't have time for lunch earlier in school" I lied, something I'd become good at.

"Oh fair enough." my mum replied.

Mum sat down opposite me with her dinner and started eating.

I smiled and forced down a chip. Eww! these things are COVERED in grease and fat.

"Um.. I think my eyes are bigger than my belly! I scoffed down all that too quickly and it's just hit me... Sorry mum but it was beautiful!" I said.

"It's okay, you did eat that too fast"

Wow, that was easy..

I left the table and went back upstairs. I still hadn't forgotten about that disgusting chip that I ate.

I turned on my radio and turned it up. I went into the bathroom connected to my bedroom, locked the door and leant over the cold toilet. I threw up until there was blood coming up. I smiled as I flushed the toilet, satisfied.

I walked back into my room and got into my blue onsie with dark blue birds on it. Those were my favourite pyjama because the onsie reminds me of Demi's bird tattoos.

I went back on twitter and saw that I had a mention.

@bitchezboss_xo: @Izzylovat0_ Ew you like Demi loFATo?? Go kill yourself, izzy. You deserve it for liking that whale!

NO ONE insults my hero! NO FCCKING ONE!!!

My defensive side kicked in as I pressed reply.



I went on my timeline and saw that Dallas tweeted an Instagram picture.

@dallaslovato: Family is everything insta.gram/djiw8228jdeiwi99

I clicked on the photo and saw Dallas, Demi, Maddie, Dianna and Eddie on a plane. I awed at the picture and looked at the time. I better sleep!


Thank you for reading this! This is my very first fanfic so let me know if its good, bad, too short, too long, too much, too little etc :)

Follow me on twitter @ddlxheaven and comment vote etc.

Next update: Monday

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