Chapter 5

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*Demi's POV

I grabbed my handbag and followed Isabella out of the class and to the car park. She led me to a red ford KA car. inside was a woman. She looked like an older version of Isabella.

"Demi, this is my mum." Isabella said.

"Oh my gosh! Izzy told me you were her teacher, I didn't believe her.."

"Hi, I'm Demi." I smiled.

"I'm Katherine. Call me Kath."

There was a short pause.

"Why don't you come to ours for dinner?!" Kath squealed.

I hesitated. "Umm, I'd like that but going to one of my pupils houses for dinner is a bit unprofessional." I explained.

"Yeah.. sorry" Kath apologised.

"It's okay." I smiled. "See you in school tomorrow Izzy?"

Isabella nodded her head. "Yeah ok."

I watched Isabella go into the back seat of her car and turned around to my car.

I was disappointed to say no to dinner but it's unprofessional and if anyone saw me, I'd probably be fired...

*Izzy's POV

I got into the car and mum pulled off.
The whole ride was quiet until mum decided to speak.

"You're quiet, what's up?"

I smiled at her, "Nothing, mum I'm tired, that's all"

"Izzy.." She sighed.


"What's wrong?" She repeated.

"I told you nothing is wrong! Just because I'm quiet, it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong."


Mum pulled up in the driveway and I went straight to my bedroom and sat on the bed.

I really wanted Demi to come for dinner. Maybe she could help me to recovery.

I lied down on my bed and put in my earphones. I pressed play on my playlist titled 'MY LIFESAVER'.
Fix a Heart started playing and I looked at the picture I took in class.

In the picture, Demi was just turning around and looking confused. I giggled. She is so cute!

I fell asleep.

Authors note:

Thank you for all the votes, reads and comments :) As promised, there IS a marathon today! I'm writing some chapters right now.
There will be about 4 chapters up today!!;) xx
Btw, there is someone sat next to me on the bus right now and it's awkward... lol

Ik these chapters are short as heck but I'm trying to make them long xx

Made in the UK *ON HOLD*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora