Chapter 6

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*Izzy's POV

I was woken up by the sound of my mum calling me and shaking me.

"Ugh.." I groaned.

"Izzy, it's 6 O'Clock. Your dinner is going cold."

I sat up in my bed and groaned.

"Now, Izzy." Mum said. After that she left.

I sighed and put my earphones back in. I played my playlist from the beginning and strolled down the stairs.

My food was on the table and it looked huge! How in the world am I surpossed to eat all of that?

I sat down at the table, mum was watching me. I took a fork full of peas and slowly placed them on my tongue. I winced as I chewed and finally swallowed. I repeated this until mum walked into the living room.

When she left, I got a napkin and put most of my food into it.

"Mum, I'm full." I said. Wow, that actually sounded convincing for once!

Mum walked back into the kitchen and looked at my plate.

"Hmm okay." she said.

I went back upstairs and leaned over the toilet, putting my phone onto the floor, my earphones still in. All of a sudden, Believe In Me by Demi started playing. I listened to the words and tears fell down my cheeks.

I stepped away from the toilet and went back into my room, keeping the music playing to distract me from any negative thoughts.

I opened the picture that I took in class and whispered, "Thank you, Demi".

After a while, I took out my earphones and turned off my music.

It was getting late so I decided to sleep. I actually couldn't wait to see Demi the next day.


I woke up to the deafening sound of my alarm and turned it off.

I groaned as I looked at the time,.

After a few minutes, I got out of bed and got dressed.

"Morning Izzy, I've made you pancakes for breakfast" Mum said as soon as I walked downstairs.

I faked a smile and sat down at the table. Mum had put 4 pancakes on the plate with sugar. Great, more calories..

I slowly chewed each bite until there were only 2 left. I can't do this.

Mum wasn't looking so I took the other two pancakes with me and threw them into a bin just down from my street.

I can't believe I just ate that much! I looked down at my stomach and done my coat zip up so I didn't look as fat as I already was but that didn't work.

I folded my arms over my stomach and continued walking to school.

It was only a 10 minute walk and as soon as I got in, I went straight to the toilets.

The room was empty, thank god!

I locked the cubicle door and leaned over the toilet. I placed my bag onto the cold floor next to me and stuck my fingers down my throat, pushing on the gag reflex. after a while I was throwing up blood. I was satisfied as that meant that all the food in my body was gone.

I walked out of the cubicle to see Demi standing there, looking concerned.

I hope with all my heart that she didn't just catch me doing that...

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