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Being late to school is a habit of mine seeing as I like sleep. I was about twenty minutes late when I arrived to homeroom. Immediately, I caught glimpse of Harry sitting in the back next to my unassigned assigned seat. He was wearing contacts again, and buried deep in his books.

I took my seat and got out my notebook as our teacher continued her lecture.

Me: heyy

Harry's ringer happened to be on, and he ignored my message before turning it off and returning to the calculator before writing something in his book.

Me: lol sorry
Me: but anywho
Me: hello
Me: hola
Me: aloha
Me: hi
Me: hey
Me: bonjour
Me: i know you see my messages
Me: harry??
Me: you're ignoring me?
Me: what'd i dooo?

I looked up at him then. He locked his phone then began bouncing his leg. His jaw was clenched and it looked as if he could go off at any given second. But of course, me being me, I tapped his arm.

"Um... Harry, you okay buddy?" I half whispered, half yelled. "Harry?"

He got up in a fury then, and stormed out of the classroom. The class went silent as our teacher watched in confusion. I wanted to go talk to her but I didn't want everyone in my business or for anyone to get the wrong idea. Oh well. I got up and made my way over to the awaiting teacher.

"Is everything alright?" She tried to keep her voice to a hush since the entire class was watching.

"I'm not sure. Was he okay earlier in class?" I looked out the small window in the door but Harry was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah he was fine—or at least I thought he was."

"Would you mind if I went to check on him?"

"Of course, go ahead. Just be sure to be back before the bell." She half smiled and gave me a pass.

I left the classroom and looked down the hallway to the right. Nothing. I looked straight ahead and to the left but no one was around except a few kids that were chatting in the hallway. Right as I was about to turn and go back into class, a loud noise was heard and the echo of metal went off for a while. The kids in the hallway looked around, shocked. They looked down the hall they were standing in for a second before turning and continuing their conversation. I decided to walk down by where they were standing, and ask.

"Hey did you guys hear that?" Dumb questions get you smart answers right? Maybe not.

"Yeah, some kid or something." A girl spoke up as she played with the straps on her backpack.

"Somebody's having a bad day I assume." Another kid spoke, a guy this time. He was looking past me and that's when I turned around.

Harry was pacing the hallway, continuously clenching and unclenching his fists. I began walking to him slowly, unsure of how to approach him or what to do. If he wanted to tell me what's going on or get my advice he would've asked, right? Maybe he needs space. Before I could turn around though, he looked up and we made eye contact.

"Uhh... hey buddy. Whatcha' doin' in this nice hallway, huh?" Let's take the comedic approach.

He didn't answer. His jaw was still pulled tight and I could see the bruises forming on his hand. Okay maybe sad attempts at being funny aren't gonna work.

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