A Zone Called Möbius

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A/N Told ya that there are a lot of different parts than in the OG comic. Please enjoy!


"Are you sure about this, Sonic?" Bernadette Hedgehog looked over at her only son with concern. "You know that those two are capable of ANYTHING! They might hurt you!"

"I'll be fine, Mom," Sonic Maurice Ogilvie Hedgehog, the Hero of Möbius, grinned, giving his mother a thumbs up and a wink. "I can take care of myself! Now sweat!"

"I agree, Bernie," Jules Hedgehog, Bernadette's husband and the last Robian (Robot mobian) of Möbius, nodded with agreement, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "He's handled much more dangerous stuff than this. We should let him be,"

"Jules, stop defending him!" Bernadette snapped. "I'm just worried that those two are going to finish you off when your guard is down!"

"Oh, Mom!" Sonic placed his hands on his hips. "I never let my guard down! That I guarantee!"

"Besides," Jules added. "Tails and Cyrus would be there to help out if there's any trouble. They will test out Cyrus's new machine in Freedom Fighter HQ so Sonic's got back-up. Trust him,"

"Oh, alright!" Bernadette groaned in defeat. "I'll let you take Silver back to his time with the help of Shadow but DON'T put your guard down on them. Alright, my baby boy?"

She pulled her son into a tight hug and Sonic sighed. "Alright, Mom. I got it. I'll keep my guard up. Always,"

"Good." Bernadette let go and Sonic zoomed out of the front door.

Outside stood his rivals/frenemies Shadow Robotnik Hedgehog, the Ultimate Life-Form, and Silver Hedgehog, a Psychokinetic being from the Future.

"Hey, guys!" he greeted them with his usual enthusiasm.

Shadow grunted in reply, turning away with folded arms. Silver ignited the other hedgehog but was able to smile back and walked towards the azure one.

"Hi, Sonic," he said. "Ready to go?"

"Yep!" Sonic gave him a thumbs up.

"Good." Shadow groaned. "Let's go to get this over with."

The other two nodded then they went on their way to Freedom HQ.

From an open window in the kitchen, Bernadette worriedly watched them leave, her mouth curling up to a frown as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Honey, calm down," Jules came to her side. "Sonic will be fine. He promised us that he'll take care of himself,"

"Oh, I know," Bernadette sighed. "But I still have a bad feeling of what might happen to him..."

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