The Accidental Switch

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A/N Sorry if the first two chapters were short. This will be a long one! Promise! Enjoy! ^^

P. S. Remember that in Cosium, Sonic, Shadow and Silver are 5 years old and in Möbius, they're 16!

Also... I'm a Yaoi (Boy x boy) lover/shipper! :p


In Cosium...

"Tag, you're it again, Silver!" Sonic giggled before he and Shadow began to run off.

"Hey!" Silver frowned, annoyed. "That's not fair! I'm always it!"

Shadow stopped in his tracks and turned to his younger brother. "Huh? What's wrong with being it, Silver?"

"It's just unfair!" Silver pouted, sitting down on the grass with his legs crossed. "Whenever we play Tag, you and Sonic always get an upper hand because you both can run fast. I'm not allowed to use my psychokinesis because it's cheating and I'm always the it! That's why I hate playing Tag, especially with Sonic!"

Sonic came to stop the moment he overheard what his older brother had said. His face fell to a tearful frown as he ran back to his albino brother, his ears pinning.

"Y-You hate playing with me?" he sniffled his tears as he looked up at the other.

Silver tried to stay mad but his youngest brother looked too pitiful when he was sad so he sighed and shook his head.

"That's not what I mean, little brother," he clarified as he pulled his brother into a hug. "I mean it's unfair that we play Tag and you and Shadow get to use your Super Speed and I don't get to use my own power. If we can't be fair on this game, can we at least play something else?"

Sonic's face lit up as a bright smile stretched across his muzzle. "Okay! Let's play a different game!"

Shadow smiled, watching his brothers get along again before his attention was directed to something, or someone, else.

"Hey, look!" the others turned at who their eldest brother was pointing at. "Trails's over there!"

"Let's go see what he's doing!" Sonic jumped then zoomed towards the wolf.

"Sonic, wait up!" Silver ran after their little brother with Shadow behind him.

Meanwhile, Trails Wolf, a young three-tailed wolf inventor, was working on an invention of his as he was talking to someone in his crystal ball.

"So when are you going back to the Ice Empire?" a gentle voice of a male could be heard from the crystal ball.

"Glacier," Trails chuckled. "for the hundredth time, we always visit you around Spring so...Spring,"

"Aww...that's too bad," Glacier Fox, an Arctic Fox and the Prince of the Ice Empire, replied with a playful frown. "I miss you so much, bestie!"

Trails's ears pinned as they flushed with his cheeks, making him turn away from the crystal ball. "...h-how much?"

"Trails and Glacier, sitting in a tree~!" Trails suddenly turned to the triplet hedgehogs, who were all singing to tease the wolf. "K-I-S-S-I-N—GAH!"

The three ran off as Trails began to chase them. "Come back here, you three!"

As they did, Glacier obviously heard them and was blushing deeply. But then, he knew that it was time to take his leave.

"O-Okay," he said. "talk to you later, Trails! Bye, boys!"

Then, the call went off as Trails chased the brothers back to his little workshop. Sonic spotted the gizmos on the table and immediately came to a stop, making his older brothers stop behind him.

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