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IZ*ONE (아이즈완) - HEART*IZ

❚❚ ►_____________________________ 3:54↺

Jeongguk sat on his bed, controller sitting tightly in his hands as he was trying to concentrate on the screen in front of him, the thought of having to leave for work slipping into the back of his head for a moment.

He precisely pressed each button, watching his favorite little pink character called Kirby fly across the stage, continuously throwing his opponents of the edge while Coconut soundly napped on his lap, purring.

(a/n; if yall don't know super smash bros. just tell me, imma educate ya uncultured babies)

He was trying his best to get his mind off the read world but with Coconut in his lap and the thoughts of yesterday running through his mind it was -- difficult you could call it.

He had to admit to himself that he could not stop thinking about that moment when he actually felt like Taehyung, a guy he fucking despises, was going to kiss him for no reason and he wouldn't have done a thing to stop him.

Luckily Nayoo saved him from anything happening with a simple call, Gguk yanking out of Taehyung's hold and telling her what just went down.

To Jeongguk's surprise his best friend didn't seem fazed at all, just slightly teasing him about it, leaving Gguk's blush painted on his face for another hour as he was reminded about the situation again and again.

It all confused him, why would he have allowed that to happen eventhough he is sure he dislikes Taehyung? Well, he doesn't dislike the way he looks, he looks fucking stunning but he still can't agree with his personality. And he never will -- of course.

He shook his head, blinking once, noticing he was thrown off the stage in a moment of sudden deep thought, sighing as he turned his TV off, laying the controller down beside him.

Looking down at his lap, he saw Coconut playing with the strings of his hoodie, catching and chewing on them occasionally, making him coo at his little princess.

He sighed, knowing he had to leave for work soon, later than usual actually since there were some changes in shifts, which meant he probably had to encounter Taehyung, an uncomfortable feeling rising in his stomach at the thought of it.

He carefully shoved Coconut off his lap and onto the couch, trying his best to ignore the persistent meows for attention while changing out of his nightwear and into an appropriate outfit for training.

After swiftly snatching an apple and his keys from the kitchen, he gave Coconut a goodbye pat as usual and went outside, enjoying a fresh breeze of spring air and first rays of sunshine hit his body.

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