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❚❚►_____________________________ 3:38

Jeongguk felt the bright late summer sun cast a shadow behind him, shining into his face, eyes and nose scrunching together as he stepped outside his apartment complex.

Today he had his first regular work day again after being called in sick from his previous panic attacks, Hoseok being incredibly understanding and gentle with his needs, telling him to take the time he felt was appropriate to recover.

But after therapy just yesterday he felt this boost, like a boost of caffeine running through his veins filling his body with energy to resume with his favorite past time and job in one.

He just finally, felt good about himself, comfortable in his own skin, like he was worthy of love, of feeling happiness -- he felt like he arrived at being himself.

And a big part of that was actually Taehyung -- who he already missed a lot by only being apart for one night by the way, already happy and excited to see him at work today.

He felt a chilly breeze waft around his body as he walked towards the dance studio, thick grey puma swearshirt and pants keeping him warm and cozy.
It was evident that autumn would be arriving completely in the next few weeks with the dropping temperatures and cold winds gushing through the streets.

Hand gliding through his cherry red hair as the wind decided to slightly mess with it anyways, Jeongguk quickened his steps unconsciously upon seeing the studio in the distance.

He really was looking forward to focusing his energy on dancing and teaching again, hoping that his students he had dearly missed him as well and were well ready for something new and exciting too.

He had been pretty much in his head all evening long yesterday, subconsciously counting steps to a melody he hadn't even picked out yet, making up new easily flowing movements and connecting them with others to make something new.

Arriving at the dance studio confidently, he saw his figure mirroring in the glass surface of the door, throwing himself back to previous times. Knowing that he occasionally felt somewhat confident during those days but now he was feeling a different type of confidence -- a true one that wouldn't fade away so easily.

He pushed himself against the doors, making them fall open and stepping inside, gretting everyone he came across with a  genuine, happiness dripping smile, aura around him refreshing and easily flowing as he made his way towards his first class earlier than he had planned.

Walking around the corner to the practice rooms, his head peaked inside the different ones already spotting a couple of his colleagues, crowded spaces behind them teaching beginner classes -- but not finding his boyfriend quite yet, face slightly puffing into a pout as he placed his hand on the door handle of another glass door, stepping inside the cold empty practice room.

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