Day 1: Favorite Rider

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Now if it was showa, it would be Black.

But Black is not my favorite Kamen Rider overall.

It would have to be Build really

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It would have to be Build really. I liked Build as a series, and Sento's development throughout the show.

The fact that Sento was actually used for Evolto's plan to destroy Earth and he was originally Takumi Katsuragi in his previous life was really shocking for me. 

Also Sento learns about the horrors of war and fighting, when he killed Aoba as Hazard. It really devastated him and temporarily lost the will to fight... for like one episode as he fought against Grease later on. 

Ok let's forget about Sento and focus on Kamen Rider Build himself.

His RabbitTank form looks amazing for starters. Red and Blue do provide a good and primary contrast with each other. The head of the rabbit and base of the tank do a great job creating those compound eyes. The base design also reminds me of mix matching gunpla parts for some reason. Maybe because the snap ride builder is supposed to be the Kamen Rider version of runners.

It also succeeds Double with the mix and match forms. 30 best match forms. And those exceed the amount of forms double has.

I also like how the designs of each fullbottle form look unique and great.

Welp. I've explained enough about him. Next day.

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